Chapter Fourteen

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Your phone has been ringing for the past 20 minutes and you've been covering your face with pillows ever since it started. You finally decided to wake up and answer the phone.

"What?" You said in your morning voice, rubbing your eye with the back of your hand. 

"Are you all packed up?" Jungkook asked. You raised a brow, "packed up? What are you talking about?" You asked.

Jungkook paused, "I thought you agreed to coming with us to Jin hyung's beach house." He said. "Yeah, I did." You replied. He chuckled, "don't tell me you've just been sleeping this whole time I've been calling you."

Your eyes widened, "w-wait..were" You asked, slightly raising your voice. Jungkook slowly nodded, "yeah? Were almost done packing up so were heading at your place in about 20 minutes."

20 minutes?? You knew that wasn't enough for you to one, choose an outfit. Two, not enough time to pack up for the following days. And three, how are you gonna eat breakfast and make it while at the same time packing?

"Hello? Still there?" Jungkook asked. You quickly nodded, "y-yeah, sorry." Jungkook smiles lightly, "anyways, I have to go and continue packing. We'll be there in about 20 minutes of less."

"OR LESS?!" You thought, swearing in your head. "A-Alright," you replied. Jungkook then hung up.

You quickly got on your feet and cracked your knuckles, "lets do this." You told yourself and started heading to your cabinet. You started grabbing a bunch of clothes and shoved them in your luggage. But of course, you also left some behind and just chose the outfits you'd need in a beach.

Then you realized. "Shit. I didn't bring a bathing suit." You sighed at yourself. "I guess that crosses the swimming part of the beach." You said as you continued to pack.

10 minutes have passed and it was time for you to take a bath. Maybe it wasn't enough but it'll do for now. You took a bath the fastest way as you can and finally got changed.

You wore a white shirt and tucked it in your black, high waisted shorts, matching your outfit with white shoes and black socks.

You wore a white shirt and tucked it in your black, high waisted shorts, matching your outfit with white shoes and black socks

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You looked at yourself in the mirror and head a loud honk noise from outside. Luckily Junyung's bedroom has a window where you can see whats going on in front of the house.

"Shit." You swore as you saw Bangtan leaving a van and the van was parked outside. You decided to skip breakfast. You had no choice. You brushed your teeth real quick and then grabbed your luggage.

You headed downstairs and rushed towards the door. You grabbed the knob and pulled it open, getting startled by Jungkook already by the door.

He just smiled, "good morning," he greeted. "Jeez, you startled me." You said. He just laughed, looking at you head to toe. You couldn't help but feel uncomfortable.

Jungkook's eyes widened when he realized your uncomfortable facial gestures. "S-Sorry," he said and looked away. "Y-You look beau-- lovely." He stopped himself from making it even more awkward.

"Really? To me, y/n looks absolutely beautiful." Hoseok butts in the conversation. "Hey! We all know she's gorgeous." Namjoon butts in as well. Everyone suddenly starts butting in until

"She's stunning." Taehyung said, who was the farthest from everyone. He just chuckled, "finally you all stopped. We all know I just won so why don't we start going to the van?" Taehyung said, smiling at everyone.

They all laughed, "alright," Namjoon said. "I'll be driving." Namjoon said, smiling widely. Jin slaps his shoulder, "there's no way I'm letting you drive. Remember last time?" Jin scolds. Namjoon rubs his nape and laughs awkwardly, "my bad. Don't want us being lost again."

Jin hummed in response. "Not only that but you almost bumped into another car which was filled with children." He continues to scold Namjoon. He laughs, "isn't our car filled with children as well?"

Jin sighed, "I'm gonna let you go for now." The two walked towards the van and the others followed.

You and Jungkook were left alone once again. "W-We should probably follow them." Jungkook said awkwardly. "Y-Yeah.." you replied. The two of you started walking towards the van.

Jungkook couldn't help but notice you struggling a little from your luggage. "Do you need help--"

Taehyung came out of nowhere and grabbed your luggage before Jungkook could even finish, "I'll carry this for you." He said with a smile. Jungkook was taken aback. "Thanks, Taehyung but I'm fi--" 

Taehyung places his index finger on your lips, hushing you. "I'll carry this for you, okay?" He said. You slowly nodded. Jungkook just watched the two of you, looking away as you and Taehyung have a conversation.

"How have you been?" Taehyung asked you. You chuckled, "I've been better." He laughs, "don't worry, you'll be having so much fun with us." He said with his signature square smile. You couldn't help but smile at his enthusiasm. 

Jungkook was silent the whole time as you and Taehyung were talking. He slowly starts to walk towards the van with his hyungs and leaves the two of you alone.


ayee another update

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