Chapter Eighteen

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"Are you in position, The Sun and Princess Hyung?" Jimin asked through his phone.

"Yup, Tae is fast asleep." Hoseok whispered to the phone. "I already sent y/n a message through Taehyung's phone to meet him by the second beach house." Jin said.

Jimin nodded, "alright, I'll hang up now." He said and hung up. He turned to Jungkook, "are you ready?"

"Hyungggg, we've been walking for 20 minutes, and were going the wrong way!" Jungkook complained.

"You said were heading to that BBQ place." He said. Jimin sighed, "you're so bossy, maknae."

He groaned loudly, "it's because I'm HUNGRY." He complained.

Jimin's phone rang, "who's calling?" Jungkook asked.

Jimin smiled widely, "it's probably Namjoon, he probably broke something again." He lied, "give me a sec." He said and walked away.

Yoongi is calling...

"What is it, Rock--"

"CODE RED, CODE RED! TAEHYUNG IS HEADING TOWARDS THE SECOND BEACH HOUSE!" Namjoon yelled loudly. "Shi-- not so loud!" He scolded.

"Wait, then what about Jin and Hoseo--" before he could finish, he had another call.

Jin hyung is calling...

"What is it--"

"TAEHYUNG HAS ESCAPED!" Jin yelled loudly.

"You're a little late, hyung." Jimin said. "I'd ask for an explanation, but I have zero time for that at the moment." Jimin hanged up.

"Alright, so where were we--" he paused. Jungkook was gone.

He sighed heavily, roaming the busy streets. There was a festival so the streets were used for various shops and all that.

Jungkook decided to leave his hyung and find the place himself. He didn't even feel like eating. He just wanted to be alone.

A boy bumped into him, they both looked at each other. The little boy bowed, "s-sorry, mister."

Jungkook smiled lightly, "it's alright." The boy quickly ran away. He resumed his walk to..anywhere. He didn't really know where he was going.

He just wanted to distract himself.

He heard a loud bark coming from his left. He slowly turned and raised a brow, seeing a large golden dog.

Not only that but he also saw a figure. His eyes widened when he realized, "y-y/n?" He raised a brow.

You turned to look at him, "oh, hey." You greeted. "What are you doing here?" He asked.

You heaved a breath and shoved your hands in your pockets, "ehh, so Taehyung texted me to meet him at the second beach house and I waited for him for roughly about.. 30 minutes?"

"R-Really?" He asked, his eyes slightly widened. "It may sound bitchy of me to do that, but I just wanted to be alone. Plus, Tae didn't sound like himself when he messaged me."

He nodded. "What about you?" You asked him. His lips parted, "O-Oh, umm.."

"So Jimin told me that were heading to a BBQ place and he was just walking in circles. He also acted suspicious. Not only that but numerous of people were calling him which made it even more suspicious. Don't get me wrong, I can tell something is wrong."

You chuckled, "you haven't changed one bit, Kook." He couldn't help but smile, "t-thanks?"

You smiled, "I guess we both ditched our friends." Jungkook laughed. "So, you wanna hang?" You asked.

Jungkook was slightly shocked. He didn't expect you to ask him. He was planning on asking you himself.


"KOOKIE!" Jimin yelled loudly and so did the others.

The good thing about this beach is they don't have any signal so that means no internet. They don't know anything about Bangtan so they're well disguised. Even without masks.

"Kookie--" Jimin paused when he heard a familiar laugh. "You heard that, right?" He asked the others.

"Oh, you mean the seal noises?" Yoongi asked. Everyone stayed silent. "Yup, that's Jungkook." Yoongi said and they all followed the direction of the laugh.

They quickly paused when they spotted you and Jungkook hanging out.

"I guess Jungkook really didn't need our help after all." Namjoon said, folding his arms with a smile on his face. "He's growing up so fast." Jin said.

Hoseok and Yoongi were busy wowing about the street lights and the decorations. As for Jimin, he was watching you and Jungkook talking like friends with Namjoon and Jin.

There wasn't any awkwardness. And you both enjoyed it. You both will forever remember this moment.

It felt as if both of you were close like before. No awkwardness came between the both of you and it was just purely fun.


expect a lot of updates this week, hunnies :DD

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