Chapter Thirty

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It was finally time for the New Year party. Well, Jimin clarified that it wasn't a party, but just a hangout.

You knocked on the door, waiting for an answer. Junyung stood beside you, "you better not do anything bad." He said.

You rolled your eyes, "can't you just calm down a little?" You asked. He sighed, "I'm sorry, alright? I just don't want anything bad happening to you."

You couldn't help smile lightly at his words, giving him a hug. "You know that I'd never do anything stupid."

He tilted his head slightly, "well.." you let go of him and slap his shoulder, making him laugh.

"Fine, fine. I trust you," he said. You smiled and the door opened. Namjoon answered it, "oh, come in." He said, giving you both a welcoming smile.

You and Junyung enter and the whole place was decorated. Hoseok and Yoongi were setting up the karaoke machine.

Jin and Taehyung were making the food and drinks. Jimin was taking pictures with his phone on the couch.

Jungkook was nowhere to be seen. "Make yourselves at home." Namjoon said as he walked towards the kitchen. Jimin spotted you and Junyung, "oh, hey you two!" He greeted.

You smiled lightly, sitting on the couch. Junyung did the same. "Ooh, Junyung, it's good to see you again." Junyung smiled, "it's good seeing you again, Jimin."

The two had their conversation. And you were in the center of both of them. You stood up, "I'll go check on the others." You said.

Junyung gave you a blank look before finally, "sure," he said. You smiled lightly and approached the kitchen.

"NAMJOON!" Jin yelled. Jin was scolding Namjoon for dropping a mug. Namjoon repeatedly said sorry, but Jin was too pissed to hear him.

Taehyung, who looked like an innocent child, was turning his head back and forth to Jin and Namjoon.

You decided to back away. "Have you guys seen Jungkook?" You asked. The two went silent. "He's in his room, down the right." Namjoon and Jin said in unison.

You nodded and went off. You peeked through different rooms, calling for Jungkook.

You opened the door, "Jungkook?" You looked around the room. It was clearly Jimin and Jungkook's.

They had pictures all over the place. You entered and closed the door behind you. Jungkook, who came out of his closet with his whole chest exposed, came out of nowhere.

Your eyes widened, about to yell at him but he covered your mouth before any words came out. He hushed, "don't scream.." he said.

You felt his bare chest touching yours, still wet. He just came out of the shower after all. His hair was still wet, which made him look even more attractive.

Your cheeks were red as a tomato. "I don't want you yelling since..the others may misunderstand this. Especially when Junyung is here,"

He slowly lets go of your mouth. You made eye contact with him. His mesmerizing eyes. You quickly looked away, biting your lower lip.

Jungkook smiled lightly, patting your head. "Calm down, miss creep." He said. Your eyes widened, "w-why am I miss creep??"

He chuckled, "you came in my room without knocking." You tried thinking of an excuse. But you couldn't.

You sighed, "fine, I admit that." You mumbled. Jungkook laughed, "alright," he said and wore a sweater.

"Anyways, what do you need?" He asked. "O-Oh, right." You cleared your throat, "I just wanted to well, umm.." you paused. He raised an eyebrow.

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