Chapter Forty Four

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You finally packed all your things. And exhaled an exhausted breath. It was 3:45pm and your flight to the US was at 5:00pm.

"You're done?" Junyung asked. You heaved a breath, "why are you in such a hurry? I have a lot of time." You said. He rolled his eyes, "were going somewhere."

But before you could yell and ask him questions, he walked away. You groaned loudly as you plopped down on the bed.

Junyung grabbed your luggage and placed it inside the car. "Come on," he ordered and you quickly ran towards him. You looked around the house, seeing it one last time before finally heading inside the car.

He went on the usual directions but instead of turning left, he went the other way. "Where are we going?" You asked, "the airport is that way."

"I'm going the right way, duh." You facepalmed at his terrible pun while he was giggling silently at his joke. He stopped the car and looked at you, "get out." He said. You quirked an eyebrow, "excuse me--"

"Just get out. You'll see." He said. You sighed and took off the seatbelt and headed out. "Okay? I'm out. Now what?" You asked.

"Oh, you're here." A voice said. You lift your head up and see Jungkook wearing a black tuxedo. Your eyes widened. "Bring her to the airport before 4:40, got it?" You heard Junyung say. Jungkook nodded.

Junyung stepped on the pedal and drove away, leaving you alone with Jungkook. You were frozen, processing everything slowly that just happened before you.

You looked around and noticed a picnic. "You..planned this out?" You asked. He nodded, "I asked for the help of Junyung, of course." Jungkook said before chuckling. He held your hand and led you towards the picnic.

You sat down beside him, "man, you really like picnics." You teased. He shrugged, "you can't go wrong with picnics, to be honest."

You and Jungkook spent the whole time laughing and having a great time.

"Why did you wear a tux again?" You asked. "To be extra, doy." You couldn't help but laugh. "Its 4:30, we should be going." He said. Jungkook walked towards his car. "Shouldn't you be cleaning this picnic up?" You asked.

"I'll clean it after I say goodbye to you." He said and opened the car door for you. You slowly entered and he closed the door, sitting on the drivers seat.

The ride was silent. "Hey, Jungkook.." he raised his eyebrows. "Were you serious about..everything you said yesterday?" You asked. Jungkook held onto your hand, "of course."

He parked the car and turned the car off. You spotted a mask and quickly grabbed it, handing it to him before he headed out. He raised his eyebrows, "what?"

"Wear the mask, you don't want yourself a crowd of people following you, now do you?" You slightly glared at him. "Nah, it's fine."

"Jungkook, I don't want you to get hurt by mad fans." He chuckled, "alright, cutie." Jungkook smiled and wore the mask. "And also a hat." You said the moment his hand landed on the car door.

"Sweetie, I'm going to an airport, not a war zone." He said. "B-But--" he sighed and rolled his eyes, leaning close to your face and gave you a peck on the lips, making your eyes widen.

"Lets go," he said and gave you a wink. You slowly nodded with your face still red and slowly headed out of the car.

Jungkook puts the mask on, "Junyung said he's at the waiting area right now." He said. You nodded. You both entered the airport and it expected, crowded.

So far no one has noticed Jungkook. And that's a good sign. You both walked towards the waiting area where you both saw Junyung and Bangtan. With caps and masks, obviously.

"What are you guys doing here?" You asked them. Jimin laughed, "why wouldn't we say goodbye to our favorite girl?" He said as he ruffled your hair.

You laughed, "thanks you guys." You said, smiling lightly at each one of them. "Aish, Namjoon why?" Junyung hissed as he stood up from his seat. Namjoon has accidentally spilled hot coffee on Junyung's sweater.

"I'll go get tissues." You said and walked away. "I'll come with you--"

"Nah, I'm good. Stay with the others," you said and continued to walk. "Make it quick though, our flight is in a few minutes." Junyung said and you gave him a thumbs up.

You headed towards a food stall, "do you guys have any tissues?" You asked. The woman nodded and gave you about 15 sheets of tissue. Before you could head back,

"IT'S THE GIRL WHO WAS CAUGHT KISSING JUNGKOOK OPPA ON CHRISTMAS!" A girl yelled. Your eyes widened as you lift your head up and see a bunch of girls glaring at you.

"Why did you kiss oppa, huh?" A girl went closer towards you. "Think you have a chance?" She said as she pushed your head with her index. You stayed silent, not wanting to make a scene.

She laughed, "what's wrong?" She asked. You shook your head. "Can't talk?" She slightly started raising her voice. "JUNGKOOK OPPA IS MINE, YOU FUCK!" She yelled as she poured water all over you.

Everyone around you paused and started whispering. The girl dropped her water bottle and laughed, "that's all you got? PATHETIC!"

You stayed silent. "YAH WHY ARE YOU SO QUIET?" She started harshly poking your head, "TALK YOU BASTA--"

"Stop this. Now." Someone interrupted.

Your eyes move to a figure approaching. Jungkook. The girl chuckled, "who are you? And how dare you interrupt us."

Jungkook chuckled, "are you sure? Are you sure you want me to reveal myself?" He asked, smirking slightly. The girl clicked her tongue and rolled her eyes, "whoever you fucking are, I could give two shits about you." She said and folded her arms.

Jungkook shrugged, "alright," he removed his mask, making everyone around him gasp in shock. The girl's expression changed fast, "J-Jungk--"

He chuckled, "don't give two shits, huh?" The girl shook her her, "that's not what I meant, oppa. I--"

"Do you call yourself an ARMY?" He asked. She didn't respond. "And don't you dare call me your oppa. I am nowhere near being that."

She was speechless. Tears formed in the corner of her eyes, "WHO'S SHE?!" She pointed at you. You both looked at each other, you slowly shook your head, telling Jungkook not to say anything.

"She's mine." He said and grabbed your shoulders and made you face him, landing his lips against yours. Your eyes widened and everyone started screeching. He stopped the kiss but his face was still close to yours.

"J-JUNGKOOK--" the girl paused and looked down, tears falling from her eyes. "The flight from Korea to America will be leaving shortly." The PA said. Jungkook quickly grabbed your wrist and ran.

Everyone you both passed by were gasping, realizing it was Jeon Jungkook of BTS.

Junyung and Bangtan were by the waiting area, "y/n, are you oka--"

"There's no time. You both have to go." Jungkook said. Junyung nodded in approval while you just looked at Jungkook.

He smiled, "go on." You held onto your luggage tightly, walking towards him and hugged him tightly. He was shocked at first but hugged you back. And you were still wet from the water by the way.

You both let go of each other and you grabbed your luggage again. "Junyung," Jungkook called. He raised his eyebrows. "Take care of her." He said. Junyung scoffed, "of course I will, idiot." He playfully punched the boy's shoulder.

"And you, Jimin, better update me from this guy." Junyung looked at Jungkook. Jimin laughed and nodded.

Bangtan said their final goodbyes to you. You fought the tears but fail as you headed towards the plane with Junyung. You turned around and saw Bangtan waving at you. But you were busy looking at Jungkook who was smiling lightly at you. You could clearly see sadness in his eyes. Junyung held onto your hand, "it'll be okay."

You smiled lightly and headed inside.


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