Chapter Twenty Eight

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so i was supposed to update earlier but for some reason wattpad said there were some problems happening??

so here it is


It ended with Jungkook dropping you at your place. "Thanks," you said before exiting the car.

He grabbed your wrist. You slowly turned, raising your eyebrows. "Umm.." he paused. "I just wanted to say..sorry if I ruined your date with Taehyung."

"Y-You knew I was on a date with Tae?" You asked, shocked. Jungkook's eyes widened, "I-I mean y-yeah."

You'd be questioning him, but you chose not to. You smiled lightly, "it's fine. You did save my life," Jungkook slowly nodded.

You closed the car door and walked inside the house.

Out of instinct, you texted Taehyung.

hey i'm sorry
if i left you

Taehyung didn't respond. You decided to wait for his response. "He must be busy." You told yourself.

"No, no, NO!" You heard Junyung yell from his room. You quickly ran towards his room, "what's wrong?"

Junyung pulled his hair, yelling. His hair was a mess and his room was filled with paper scattered all over the place.

"Whoa.." You looked around. Junyung turned to look at you and stopped his actions. "y-y/n. H-How long have you been here?" He asked.

"Just..a minute ago." You noticed how insane Junyung looked. Heck, he looked like a psychopath.

"P-Please leave my room." He said as he grabbed his phone and called someone.

You hated seeing this side of Junyung. He loves his job so much and he's passionate about it. When he doesn't do a good job he..stresses himself out.

You decided to do as told and leave his room. You don't want him getting more stressed because of you.

You decided to go to your room. You didn't really know what to do. You heaved a breath and threw yourself on the bed.

"This is gonna be a long day." You told yourself. Suddenly your phone rang.

You grabbed your phone and answered the call. "Hello?"

"y/n, meet me by this address." You heard Jungkook's voice. "W-Wha--" before you could finish, he hung up.

He sent you an address and a map. "Well, I guess I'm going to another journey." You told yourself.

You drove to the same direction as told. To the point it felt like you were leaving Seoul. The large buildings have disappeared and only land was seen.

The destination ends at a small hill. You parked your car and headed out, looking for Jungkook. You saw a figure sitting on the hill, you squint your eyes.

It was Jungkook. You walked up the hill and he notices you. He stood up, "oh you're here." He said.

You looked around, noticing the beautiful scenery. There was a river and over it was an old looking bridge. The sky had a beautiful color of blue. It looked..aesthetic.

You heard a sound. You looked down and see Jungkook placing a basket. "Come," he said as he placed a red checkered cloth on the grassy field.

You sat beside him as he took out numerous food. There were sandwiches, strawberries, blueberries, and chips.

You both ate. "Why did you do this?" You asked. Jungkook raised a brow, finishing his sandwich, "what do you mean?" You slowly lowered your head, "you know, this picnic."

Jungkook slowly nodded and took a sip from his soda, "I just thought you needed this. You didn't finish your date with Taehyung after all so..I thought I'd make it up to you."

You couldn't help but chuckle, "so you threw me another date but instead of Tae, it's you?" His eyes widened when he realized what he had just said.

His cheeks were flushed and he looked around. You laughed, "thanks," you said.

"You really do know how to make me happy." You mumbled to yourself. But he heard it. "I just want to tell you that.." Jungkook paused.

"No matter what happens, just know that I still care about you." He said. You smiled, "I-I don't know what to say.."

Jungkook smiled, "you don't have to." It went silent. But it wasn't the awkward silence.

"I know this may sound sudden but.." he paused. You raised a brow.

"But do you think..we could be together again?"

"Jungkook?" You asked. He raised a brow, "y-yes?" You chuckled, "you spaced out, what were you gonna say?"

"O-Oh, umm-- can you pass me another sandwich?" He asked. You nodded and handed him one.

Jungkook decided not to ask. He wants to take things..slow.

He doesn't want to ruin your relationship with him and make it awkward all over again. He knows your still uncomfortable with these things. Especially with him.

"I think I may have fallen for you, y/n." He thought.


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