Chapter Twenty Five

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It was the next day and you were just eating a bowl of cereal while binge watching movies on your couch.

Suddenly someone knocked on the door. You finished chewing your cereal before pausing the movie. You wiped the milk off your lips as you stood up and walked towards the door.

You opened the door, your eyes slightly widened. He bowed, "good morning," Jungkook greeted.

"G-Good morning," you stuttered, surprised to see Jungkook. "May I.." he paused.

You quickly nodded and let him in. He noticed a bowl of cereal on a glass table with the tv on. He sat on the couch.

"Oh, right. You must be confused why I'm here." He said. You slowly nodded. "I just wanted to check on you." He said.

You raised a brow, "check on me? For what?" You asked. "If you're sick, I don't know." You smirked, "or you just wanna hangout with me."

His eyes widened and he quickly shook his head. "It's not like that!" He said, his cheeks slightly pink.

"Riiight," you rolled your eyes. He sighed, "I got nothing to do, alright?" He admitted, making you smile.

"So, what do you wanna do?" You asked. He slowly shrugged, "I don't know, maybe we about random things?" You shrugged, "ehh.."

He looked around the place, seeing pictures on the wall. "Make yourself at home." You said.

As you were gonna grab your bowl of cereal and finish it, you saw a vehicle parked outside of the house.

The door opened and a figure came out. Your jaw dropped as you dropped your spoon, making a loud noise.

Jungkook turned, "are you okay?" He asked. You quickly looked at him, "hide." You said.

He was confused, "what do you mean--" you grabbed his wrist and dragged him towards a closet and pushed him inside.

Before you could close the door, he grabbed your wrist, "y/n, what is going on?" He asked.

You heard the door knob moving. "I'm sorry," you said and closed the closet door.

The front door opened and revealed a figure. "y/n!" He smiled. You smiled awkwardly, "J-Junyung!"

Jungkook's eyes widened, "shit,"

He ran towards you and gave you a tight hug, "how have you been?" He asked. You laughed nervously, "I-I'm fine,"

He lets go and his smile fades. "You look..pale." He said. "Are you okay?" He asked, placing the back of his hand on your forehead.

You quickly nodded, "y-yeah, I'm just shocked to see you..back so early." He smiled widely followed with a laugh.

"I was gonna tell you but instead made it into a surprise, so..SURPRISE!" He said.

"So that means I can celebrate New Years with you. And you don't have to feel lonely." He smiled. You forced a smile, "y-yay,"

Jungkook could hear the conversation from inside which made him feel..wrong.

You and Junyung sat in the couch and talked for a while. "Maybe you should change," you suggested, trying to find a distraction.

"Right," he said and went to his room. You quickly took out your phone,

are you okay??
i'm so sorry

Jungkook received the text.

yeah it's fine

Before you could reply, Junyung came back. "I bought new clothes and I need to get the tags off." He said, walking towards the closet.

You ran and blocked him, "what do you think you're doing?"

"Umm..I'm getting the scissors?" You quickly grabbed the shirt on his hands and bit the tag off. "Here," you said.

He gave you a weird look, "okay.." he went inside his room again.

Jungkook heaved a relief breath and leaned on a stack of boxes, hearing something move. He gulped as he slowly turned around and saw

"SHITTT!" Jungkook yelled loudly. Your eyes widened and Junyung heard it.

He ran out of his room, "what was that?" He asked. "I-I don't know, I think it was the neighbors."

"FUCKING SHITTTT" Jungkook yelled again. Junyung glared at you as he walked towards the closet and opened the door, revealing a Jungkook.

He was sitting on a box, taking deep breaths. "It's fine, I caught the raccoon--" he paused.

He smiled awkwardly, "h-hey Junyung."


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