Chapter Twenty Two

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As Jimin was sending Jungkook the picture on his phone, they both talked about random things.

It was night time and everyone was in their respective rooms. The photo was sent successfully and Jungkook smiled at it.

Jimin noticed how the boy looked happy, "you like the photo that much?" He chuckled.

Jungkook bit his lower lip, trying to hide his obvious smile. Jimin playfully punched the younger's shoulder, "I'm happy for you, maknae." He said.

"I'm just glad everything is back to normal," he stated, turning his phone off as he leaned back.

Jimin walked towards his bed and the two did whatever they did on their phones.

Jimin was busy editing photos while Jungkook just kept looking at the photo of you and him.

He made it into his home screens wallpaper, smiling at it.

You slowly opened your eyes and you already saw a Taehyung close to your face. Your eyes widened and you quickly sat up.

He smiled, "good morning~" he chirped. You smiled awkwardly, "umm..Tae," he raised a brow.

"Can you uhh..get out of my room? I need to change.." you said, trying not to make things awkward.

His lips parted and he slowly nodded, leaving your room.

You told Taehyung to leave don't usually wear a bra when you sleep.

You changed into fresh, new clothes and left the room. You saw Taehyung waiting by the staircase.

He stood up and turned to look at you, "I-I'm very sorry for uhh--" you chuckled, "it's fine really."

"So you wanna go and have breakfast?" He asked. You nodded in response.

You both walked towards a cafe and saw the others sitting by a table. You and Taehyung greet them all.

"So, you two are at it again?" Namjoon smirked. Taehyung smiled sheepishly as the others teased.

Jimin turned to Jungkook and he was surprised. Jungkook didn't look pissed or anything. He was paying attention and he was smiling.

"Oh my fucking God, make it stop--" Jungkook swore in his head.

You laughed nervously, "w-were just friends," you stated. They all nodded and before you could take a seat, Taehyung pulled a seat for you.

"Thank you," you said as you took your seat. Taehyung sat beside you.

As you all were eating breakfast, heavy rain started happening and some palm trees were bending to a direction due to the strong wind.

You looked through the window, "jeez, this rain is very..strong." You said. "Is our trip back to Seoul cancelled?" You asked.

Jin shook his head, "I'm sure this rain will go by in a few minutes or so." Namjoon nodded at his words, "and were leaving by 2pm."

You noticed a little dog. You squint your eyes, it was hard for you to see since sky was grey and it was slightly dark.

The dog was leashed to the palm tree. The small dog was shaking as the cold breeze passes.

"There's a dog--" you turned to the others. They all slowly stood up, confused. "We have to do something--" before you could finish,

"We can't, it's too dangerous." Yoongi stated. "I think it's best if we stay here." Namjoon said.

You slowly looked down and turned to the puppy. "I understand," you said, looking down.

The 5 oldest boys smiled at you, "its fine, the dog will be fine."

You clenched your fists slightly, "I'm sorry," you said. They all raised a brow, "for what--"

Before he could finish, you run out of the cafe and run towards the dog without hesitation.

"Y/N!" They all yelled in unison.

You couldn't see anything. Everything was blurry. You followed the sound of the dog's bark.

Eventually, you found the dog. You quickly walked towards the dog and released the little puppy.

You held it to your chest and gave it a reassuring smile, "don't worry, everything will be alrigh--"

A sudden lightning struck, the loud sound making you hear a loud ringing noise. You quickly shut your eyes.

You felt masculine arms holding you. You slowly opened your eyes, only to see



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