Chapter Thirty Five

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You woke up, your eyes still half opened. You sat up and got up from bed, walking out of your room. There was a note on your door.

went to austrailia.

You walked towards the kitchen and looked inside the refrigerator. You heard something ring. You slowly turned your head and saw your phone on the counter.

"I don't remember putting my phone here.." you reached for the phone but you heard someone clear his throat.

Your eyes widened and your first instinct was to grab a frying pan. The noise came from the living room. You slowly walked towards the living room, holding tightly onto the pan.

"You should really close your door more." A voice said behind you. You jumped and dropped the pan, hitting your foot. You yelled loudly and was about to fall but someone grabbed you.

You slowly opened your eyes, seeing your face close to his. "L-Lee Sye--" you paused but he hushed you.

You let go of him, making you fall. "Are you okay?" He asked. You quickly nodded and started stepping away from him, not saying a word.

"You may be thinking why I'm here." He said. You folded your arms and didn't say a word. But you just nodded. He sighed, "I know you're still traumatized about the whole thing that happened years ago. I can't blame you."

"Then..why are you here?" You asked, still not looking at him. "I just wanted to say that I am completely sorry about everything that I have done. I know you won't forgive me, which is fine with me." He explained. But you were still mad at him.

He sighed, "listen, I know we didn't have the most..cleanest history, but.." he paused and took a step closer, "do you think we can start over?"

You didn't know how to respond. "Jungkook did change. Ah fuck that, at least Jungkook never tried to rape me." You thought. Lee Sye heaved a breath, "again, you don't need to forgive me. I just wanted to apologize for my wrong doings. That's all." He slowly lowered his head.

"I want to forgive you but..I'm sorry, I just can't--" the front door bursts open.

"y/n?? Man, she really needs to lock the door." Jungkook entered and closed the door behind him.

He saw you and smiled, "hey, y/n--" he paused the moment he saw Lee Sye. You noticed how his fists were clenched the moment his eyes landed on him.

Jungkook walked towards Lee Sye and grabbed him by the collar, pushing him against the hard wall. "What are you doing here?" Jungkook asked, glaring at him.

"I'm here to apologize to y/n. You?" Lee Sye glared back. "I'm here to see her. And from what I remember, you should probably piss the fuck off." Jungkook raised his voice slightly. Lee Sye pushed him off of him, "you're no better, Jeon."

"How do you know where she lives? Still stalking??" Jungkook asked. Lee Sye clenched his jaw, "why are you still following y/n around?? Still trying to get pussy, I see."

Jungkook landed a punch on his face and Lee Sye did the same. You quickly stood between them, "stop it!" You raised your voice.

"Please stop this." You looked at the two of them. "Now, let's just--"

The doors bursts open again, "Y/N--man she really needs to lock the door." A woman entered. The three of you put your attention to the woman who paused for a second.

Then you realized. "MINA!" You ran towards her, giving her a tight hug. She hugged you back, laughing, "you miss me this much?" She giggled.

While you and Mina were having a reunion, Jungkook and Lee Sye stood beside each other awkwardly.

A person entered the house. It was Junyung. You let go of Mina and turned to Junyung. "I thought you were going to Australia?" You asked.

He laughed, "I already did about a week ago. I just told you I had to go since it wouldn't be a surprise if I told you Mina was coming." You gasped, "you both met up??"

Junyung and Mina nodded in unison. You cheered as you clapped. Junyung slowly tilted his head, "is that..Lee Sye and..Jungkook?" He asked, raising a brow.

You laughed nervously, "a..high school reunion?" You smiled awkwardly, shrugging.


i'll update as soon as i can (maybe after this publishes idk)

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