Chapter Thirty Nine

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You took a spoonful of cereal and ate it, chewing and scrolling through your phone. "How are you and Jungkook?" Junyung asked. You swallowed, "Jung who?"

He sighed, "I know you're pissed at him and all that, but do you really think he deserves this much?" You dropped your spoon, "ugh, whatever he's thinking of, I don't care. He can ignore me and all that crap all he wants. I'm not regretting anything." You stood up and walked away.

Junyung rubbed the back of his head and ran after you. "Listen, you really should apologize to Kook. He was only protecting you." You folded your arms, "there is no way I'm apologizing to that fuck."

"Well, I'm trying my best to solve this but seems like you're being blind. So Imma leave you do you." Junyung said. You nodded and resumed walking.

"Also, Taehyung called earlier to ask if he could hangout with you for just a few." You nodded, "I'm visiting him."

"Alright," Junyung replied. "I'll be with Mina, so if you need anything call me, got it?" You chuckled, "still being a father figure I see."

"Are you and Mina a thing?" You sudden asked. Junyung laughed, "me? And Mina? Together?" He laughed loudly, "we may be close and all, but no we are not." He ruffled your hair, "now go and visit Tae."

You locked the car and knocked on the door. The door opened, "good morning--" you paused when you saw Jungkook. He heaved a breath and shoved his hands in his pockets, walking away.

You rolled your eyes and entered, closing the door behind you. "This bitch," you mumbled. You noticed Namjoon by the kitchen and walked towards him, "hello, Joon. Have you seen Taehyung?"

His eyes slightly widen by the sight of you, "you're here early, he's in his room, why do you ask?" You laughed, "he called earlier and asked if I could come over and visit." Namjoon nodded, "well, good luck."

You nodded and proceeded to walk to Taehyung's room. You knocked on the door before entering. You saw Taehyung on his bed. "Hello," you greeted as you took your shoes off.

He smiled as you slowly walked towards him. You noticed a creak sound, you slowly turned your head and saw Jungkook sitting on an office chair on his phone.

"What's he doing here?" You asked Taehyung. "Well, ever since the incident, they won't stop looking after me." Taehyung said, laughing. Jungkook sighed, still looking at his phone.

You decided to leave his ass be and looked at Taehyung. "So, what did you want to talk about?" You asked. "Just wanted to ask you a question, that's all." He laughed. You slowly nodded and sat on the bed.

"I heard you and Lee Sye went on a date yesterday." Taehyung bit his lip to refrain from smiling. Your eyes widened, "y-you got it all wrong."

"How was it? Did he treat you well?" He asked. You paused for a second and saw his eyes sparkling. "I was actually..pretty good and yeah he treated me well."

Taehyung looked at your wrist, "then what happened to that?" You looked at your wrist and your lips parted, nodding. "I was gonna pet a cat and he told me not to but I didn't listen so.." Taehyung laughed, "I'm not surprised."

"Jungkook, can you get me water?" He asked. Jungkook nodded and placed his phone down and left the room.

"Are you and Jungkook okay?" Taehyung asked right after Jungkook left the room. "I'm not talking to his ass." You folded your arms. "Jimin told me everything and well..I'm concerned."

"Whatever, I'm not talking to his ass unless he apologizes." Taehyung's lips parted but it was interrupted with your phone ringing.

You answered, "hello?"

"Hey, y/n. I'm outside of your house, where are you?" Lee Sye asked. "Oh, I'm at Bangtan's dorm visiting Tae. Why?"

Jungkook entered the room with a glass of water in his hands. He hands it to Taehyung and goes back to his spot and grabbed his phone.

"Ahh..I just wanted to ask if you wanted to hangout." You slowly nodded, "sure, I'm down." Lee Sye smiled, "alright, meet me at insert name of a park author can't think of."

You nodded, "sure." You both hung up. "Who was that?" Taehyung asked. "That was Lee Sye, he asked if we could both hangout." He nodded. Jungkook took a slightly glance but stopped and minded his own business.

"Anyways, I have to go. Bye and take care." You said before heading out.

You hanged out with Lee Sye for the whole afternoon until it was starting to get dark. "The night looks amazing." You said and smiled, watching the sky.

"You look amazing." Lee Sye mumbled. You heard what he said and your heart started pounding. His eyes widened and he shook his head, "n-nevermind."

It became silent and awkward. Shit.

"You did that on purpose didn't you?" Jungkook asked his hyung. Taehyung chuckled, "yup." He sighed, "you knew everything that happened yet you still asked her. Infront of me. Why?"

"I know you want to talk to her." He said. Jungkook quirked an eyebrow. "You want to talk to her, yet you avoid to." Jungkook was silent.

"I get that you want to protect her and all that but..don't over do it, maknae." Taehyung said. Jungkook heaved a breath, "I don't trust Lee Sye. I know I can't."

"And neither can I. Now, you should really apologize to y/n." Taehyung looked at the boy. "I should..go to her or.." he laughed, "just call her or text her. She's probably still hanging out with Lee Sye and you obviously don't want to ruin it."

Jungkook nodded and took his phone and dialed your number.

You walked around the empty park and your phone rang. Lee Sye raised his eyebrows and looked at your phone. "Jungkook's calling.." you looked at him.

"Don't answer his call." Lee Sye said. You raised your eyebrows, "how come? Maybe it's something important."

"He's a psychopath trying to kill me. Don't you see?" His tone changed. "The only person who seems crazy here right now is you." You were about to answer the call but grabbed your mouth and covered it.

"You're not calling Jungkook."


should i do a q&a if daip gets 100k reads?

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