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Lisa's POV
We walk out of the hospital because we are cleared to go. None of us seem cheery though. Part of each of us died today, that's rough.
We get to the car, "Shoot!" I yell causing my sisters, except Lauren, to jump.
"What the heck Lisa?" Katherine asks.
"Christina can't drive, you can't drive, Amy can't drive, I don't trust myself to drive, and Lauren's not going to want to drive." They nod at me and then stare at Lauren.
I tap Lauren and slowly mouth to her while using hand gestures, "You have to drive."
Luckily she can speak back, "No! Why can't you?"
"I can't feel." I explain slowly. It sounded better in my head.
She stares at me exasperated, "I just became deaf."
I give her the death glare, "Fine." She grabs the keys and we all manage to get into the car.

It takes us an hour to get home even though it's a twenty minute drive.
Katherine sees my face, "You had her drive."
"I didn't think it would take forever." Katherine laughs as we stop in the drive way.

Lauren's POV
I can't believe Lisa is making me drive. I think deaf people should be able to drive but I have been deaf for less than 24 hours. It takes me a hour to get us home but we don't get injured so it's good. The car ride is oddly silent because I always would listen to music when driving. I mean I guess it's probably not quiet but it doesn't look like a lot of talking was going on anyways. Lisa finally has some courage and guides Christina to the house. Lisa's looks worried for herself too. Dani and I grab Katherine and carry her inside to the couch while Amy is leaning against the door holding it open for us. We all end up by the around the couch Christina and Kathrine on it Amy and Lisa on side chairs and Dani and I on the floor. We start a disorganized family meeting.

Christina's POV
Even though I'm blind does not mean I'm not the alpha dog in this house, "Family meeting." I announce hoping everyone is here.
"Our lives have obviously changed. We can look at it two ways as a horrible thing or as a test given by god. We need to figure out what everyday life looks like for us now. We need to find jobs we can do to support this house and Lauren and Dani will need to go to school."
I stop my spiel and I hear Katherine say, "Good one."

Amy's POV
"Good one." Katherine says sarcastically.
Dani's furiously scribbling on a note pad to tell Lauren something, We have to go to school.
Lauren looks at it and her face turns red, "You can't do this." She yells.
Christina looks shocked, probably from the late reaction, "You need to go to school."
With that Dani stands up and drags Lauren with her. They go upstairs and slam the door behind them.

Kaths POV
Dani and Lauren go up to their room. The news was shocking. Christina's making them go to school. School is important and all but I do not know how it's going to work if Lauren can't hear and Dani can't speak. They need each other. Will Christina do that? Oh no. Lauren will get so mad.

Dani's POV
It's like I'm five years old. I hear everything that's going on but I can't talk. I think it's easier for Lauren because she can't hear what she's left out of. Christina says we have to go to school. I mean I have friends in school but it's different now that I can't talk. I don't think Christina understands that sending a deaf and a mute kid into the land of bullying is a stupid idea.

Lisa's POV
I walk up to my room, which is also Lauren's and Dani's, and see the two girls crying.
I ask, "What's wrong?"
It takes a moment but they finally respond, "We can't go to school! Did Christina go insane during the crash too?" Lauren reads off of Dani's paper.
"It's for the best." Dani merely shakes her head at me and lays on her bed.

Lauren's POV
Dani and I walk into school and people are talking all around us.
Dani looks really mad so I tell her, "It's okay." But she just looks at me sadly. Dani and I are pulled into a corner by two faceless people and I start getting punched and Dani is struggling but she can't call for help. Then the other girl faces Dani and Dani starts crying.
Dream End
I wake up in a paralyzed ball. I look to see if I woke Dani and Lisa but they're still asleep. I lay in bed for a bit and I finally doze back to sleep.

Christina's POV
"To get started on my plan I need to learn how to get around this house without crashing into things. Dani and Lauren also need to learn ASL. I left out a big piece in the subject of school. They are going to a new school because the district borders changed. The part that's going to be hardest is that Lauren will have to be a sophomore again. I really hope she can forgive me for this. Day one of learning. LETS DO THIS!"

Katherine's POV
My number one goal is sleeping arrangements. I slept on the couch and my back is killing me. It already hurt but sleeping on the couch didn't help. I placed my wheelchair next to me before I went to bed and I decide that my project of the day is changing our office into a bedroom.

Amy's POV
Arms are way more important then I thought. I wake up and realize that I can't brush my hair. My number one goal is to find out how to do simple things like brush my hair, brush my teeth, and eat!

Dani's POV
I'm up and Lisa and Lauren are sleeping. I walk down the stairs in my PJS and hear Christina talking to herself. I think it's so funny that she just narrates her thoughts out loud.
"They have to go to a new school and BOTH be sophomores."
"WHAT!" I scream inside my head. I'm supposed to be a sophomore but Lauren's supposed to be a junior. I also was banking on my friends being at school. I really want to yell at her, which I can't do, or punch her, but I would never punch a blind person. How will Lauren react? We are both just trying to embrace having to go to school.

Lisa's POV
I get up and see it's ten so I stupidly decide to wake Lauren up. Lauren and I are not morning people. I say her name a couple times and she doesn't react so I shake her and she slams her elbow into my stomach.
Oof, "What was that for?" I ask her.
She turns over and sees me clutching my stomach trying to breathe again, "Was that me?" She asks me wide eyed.
I start talking and she points to her ears. I laugh at myself and she laughs too. Even though my stomach doesn't hurt boney elbows can still knock the wind out of me.

Lauren's POV
I wake up to Lisa clutching her stomach. She starts talking and I remind her I can't hear. She laughs so I'm guessing she's been trying for wake me up for a while and I laugh too. I get dressed in light blue jeans and a black tee. Causal but not too laid back. I don't think we would go out anywhere but who knows? I'm about to open the door and Dani opens it first, narrowly missing my head. She's holding a notepad with the words in all caps.
I already was a sophomore! I don't want to spend another year at school, much less be the 17 year old sophomore. I walk right past Dani and go down to Christina. I love her and all but seriously?
I start yelling or at least trying to yell, "Why would you make me repeat a grade and make Dani and I switch schools?"
I realize we can't argue because she can't write and I can't hear, "Wait a second."
I see Katherine and get her, "We need you to translate for us. You can answer now Christina."
She says something but I'm waiting for Katherine to write it down, It's a fresh start.
My head feels like it's going to explode, "We have no friends there. We are going to be bullied, scratch that we'll be the school jokes."
Christina says and Katherine writes, I didn't think about that.
"Thanks for ruining our lives." I yell and I run until I can't run anymore.

Katherine's POV
I have been picturing my room and I'm interrupted by Lauren telling me she needs a translator. I wheel behind her and see that she has been fighting with Christina. I'm writing down the words for Christina and I feel both sides of the argument. One is Lauren's and that her life is being turned upside down. The other is Christina's, wanting what's best for her. I was about to ask Christina if I could get some therapy to learn how to live being paralyzed but she looks so sad I just go to comfort her.

Amy's POV
I walk downstairs trying to find Katherine. I think that since she's paralyzed she'll understand where I'm coming from. I go downstairs and find her in the kitchen comforting Christina.
I ask Kath if I can talk with her, "What are we going to do about this?" I ask referring to both of our situations.
Kath looks solemn, "I was about to ask Christina if we could go to therapy but she just had a big fight with Lauren."
I nod my head understandingly. It sounds like a good plan just the wrong time.

Dani's POV
I finally calm down, just a little bit, and get ready for the day. I go downstairs and I see Amy and Katherine talking so I walk over to them. They notice my presence and look at me. They look preoccupied so I leave and see Christina crying in the kitchen. What happened?
I walk back out to Amy and Kath and write, What happened?
"Lauren and Christina got into a fight." Amy says.
Where's Lauren?
"She went outside." Katherine says.
I go upstairs and I tell Lisa. Where would I be if I was Lauren?

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