I Love You Too Much

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Lauren's POV
I stroke my younger sister's hair as she adorably snores on my shoulder.

She probably needs to change her bandages, I know I was supposed to about an hour ago but no one seems to care about that.

Her green eyes flutter open and she smiles at me after rubbing her eyes.

"Hey Laur." She still doesn't lift her head from my shoulder as if she is too tired to do such action.

Her green eyes just stare into my brown ones sparkling.

She looks happy.

"Hey Spice." I respond after the peaceful pause.

Dani's POV
"You got to one up me with your cuteness." I pout and Lauren shrugs making my head lift.

"Well stop it Sugar." I over enunciate Sugar making sure she gets my point.

"It's my job to be sweet." She shows her pearly white teeth.

I roll my eyes, "And mine to be contrary to you so we are at an impasse."

"Why do I love you?" She asks and I giggle.

"Because I love you too much for you not to love me back." I see a jubilant smile genuinely cross her face making her eyes scrunch up.

Christina's POV
"Which one of you is going to confirm where Dani went with me?" I ask knowing I won't be able to go through this labyrinth without someone.

"I already know where Lauren is so I can." Lisa offers but is interrupted.

Katherine sounds mad, bitter even, "That poor girl has seen enough of you today." I feel Katherine's hands grab mine.

"First you have to stand up." I chuckle at her talking to me like I'm a child but I need it right now.

Amy's POV
I see the tears fill in Lisa's eyes at Katherine's words.

"Lisa you did slap her." I point out and she puts her face in hands.

Her next words come out muffled, "And I didn't mean to give her a big black bruise on the side of her face."

"I thought it would be great not to have my sense of feeling. At least not worse than any of yours." She gestures to me inferring our sisters.

"But I just slapped one of my sisters as if she was hit by a frying pan." Lisa keeps ranting on.

"I want this to hurt." She points to her hand. "So I can imagine the pain it inflicted on Lauren's face." Her face starts turning red.

Lisa's POV
"Ugh!" I scream trying to release the anger I have against myself.

Amy jumps back at my sudden outburst.

She looks at me like I'm a live grenade.

"Lisa it was the heat of the moment. Dani can talk and Lauren can hear. Think of these positives." Amy tries to calm me down.

Yes Lisa think of the positives.

Katherine's POV
I see Lauren and Dani sitting next to each other acting as Dauren always does, adorably.

Dani sees us first her green eyes sparkling but soon turning dull as they land on us.


Lauren turns to us and Dani rests her head on Lauren's shoulder and I catch a glimpse of Lauren's bruise.

It looks nasty being a dark purple almost black handprint on the left side of her face.

"Hey guys." I try to say as nicely as possible while subtly telling Christina they are here.

"Hey." Dani responds weakly while Lauren looks at us sad a frown slowly growing on her face.

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