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Katherine's POV
I place Christina's hand onto the papers to get Dani and Lauren out of school putting the pen in her hand preparing her to sign.

It is a sloppy scrawl as she slowly guides across the paper like a ship fighting through rough waves.

It no doubt says Christina Cimorelli but it is crooked and wavy, not the uniform sister I once had.

"Wait." Christina mutters softly the pen dropping on the paper dramatically.

What could she be hesitant about?

Christina's POV
What are we going to do when Dani and Lauren get home? We aren't top class teachers and I want them to get somewhere in life.

Is that worth it, them being emotionally hurt when in the end they'll live a good life.

Or should I go through with this, give the papers to the school and there always will be the what if factor.

I put my head in my hands the battle going on in my brain.

Another factor is how much are my little sisters going to hate me.

Lisa's POV
"What the freaking heck Christina!" I yell at the blind girl. "I promised them that it was their last day because they refused to go otherwise." I shake in my spot wanting to punch something.

"Lisa calm down." Katherine tries to act as a mediator but I can win versus Katherine and Christina.

"You told me yesterday that we wanted the same thing. It isn't looking like it now." I venomously spit out at Katherine.

She rubs her temples, "Because you both want what's best for them, you just have a different view on what it is." Katherine tries to protect herself.

No way, no how.

If those two come home with a scratch on their body or mental damage, these two are going to get it.

Amy's POV
I hear screaming coming from downstairs and wonder what the fight is about.


I walk downstairs and am not surprised when I see Katherine and Lisa arguing.

"Finally Amy." Lisa exasperatedly says. "Tell these dimwits that keeping Lauren and Dani in school is the worst idea ever." I am shocked that now Christina is on my side. Kinda.

I can't tell Christina that because it is a great idea.

Dani's POV
I step into the school hopefully for the last time.

"Looks like the guard dog and the mute are back." Danielson laughs at us and I feel pure terror in my bones, brain, and heart.

"And you are coming with me." She continues and I look from Lauren to her.

I'll probably not die. I think to myself as I grab Lauren's hand.

As soon as I walk into the bathroom immediately getting hit in the lip.

My face isn't even healed yet.

Lauren steps in front of me, "Don't hit my sister." She growls out clearly rubbed the wrong way.

The bully nods, "I'll just hit you instead." Lauren also takes a hit to the face before the bully leaves laughing.

Lauren's POV
I grab a paper towel seeing Dani's bloody nose.

I get it wet trying to clean off the blood and giving her a towel to hold over her nose.

"It's our last day Dani, our last day." I try to hype myself up after being slightly punched in the lip. I can still taste the blood though probably meaning it is split.

I have a sinking feeling that it is not.

I sigh having clinging on to the words on the paper this morning.

I want them to be true not an empty lie.

Thanks for the comments! love_kath_ EstaticZap akabpersempre poppy1202 Evie-ll

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