Time Stops

608 14 47

Amy's POV
"Seriously why can't we try to look positive on this situation." I argue because in history people together work better than apart.

"Because we have to fix the negative first not brush it under the rug." Christina argues and the negative energy in this room is weighing on my shoulders.

Katherine's POV
I understand Amy because she's a sweet little flower.

"You guys are both right." I try to calm the waves.

"What!" They both scream at me making me cover my ears.

"We cannot look at just the negatives and we cannot look at just the positives." I sigh as the two keep bickering amongst themselves though.

Lisa's POV
I know Lauren doesn't want me near her because she looks like she's going to implode on herself.

I simply grab the ice pack that fell and set it into her shaky hand.

I want to apologize but it would be empty words which I think would hurt her more.

"Where'd Dani go?" I ask when I walk in seeing the three girls arguing amongst themselves.

"What?" They ask the two seeing ones turning to Dani's bed which she is not in.

Christina's POV
Want to point out it is not my fault for losing my little sister.

"She probably just went out to talk to Lauren." I rationalize because Dani had no intention of running away and she probably can't run.

"Christina we have to find her!" Katherine yells and I'm surprised it isn't Lisa.

I huff, "Bet she's out there."

Dani's POV
"I'm sorry Dani." Lauren mumbles out as I sit next to her.

The thing is while it sounds so pathetic and not confident it is one hundred percent true.

She hisses as I wrap my arm around her back.

She's back in her normal clothes so I kind of forgot she was still a patient.

"Lauren what's wrong with your back?" I ask worried.

"Don't worry the doctors treated it already." Lauren doesn't answer my question and I do the most productive thing.

"Dani!" Lauren whines pulling her shirt back down but not before I see a gauze covering her entire back.

Then I remember her words, "It only hurt me as I protected Dani." The car probably scraped a large portion of her skin off if she was laying on top of me.

She really did protect me.

Lauren's POV
Dani grabs my hand making me look up despite the fact that I don't want to hurt her anymore

"Hey." She softly says and for the first time I realize she shouldn't be out of bed.

"Dani you should be in bed." I point out and she laughs at me.

She looks down at me, "I'm guessing you didn't show Lisa your back because she would have chained you to yours." I smile at my younger sister.

I kiss her head, "I love you." She leans into me.

"I love you too." I smile as my heart swells closing my eyes.

I don't want this moment to stop.

Thanks for the comments! andreastanton165 love_kath_ Evie-ll poppy1202 akabpersempre Butterflylover25 EstaticZap

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