Are you deaf?

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Lauren's POV
You have to explain that Dani and you have to be partners.
I sigh heavily at this grabbing my backpack ready for a torturous first day of school.
It will be better than you think.
I look to Dani who is looking as excited as me. Dani grabs my hand I know trying to be supportive and trying to calm herself down.

Dani's POV
This school thing is actually happening. Getting out of the car I look at the scary school. Normally I would be excited for the first day of school seeing all of my friends but this sucks and by the way Lauren squeezes my hand like a stress ball she thinks the same thing. I give her a thumbs up as we open the big door.
"Hey more fresh meat." A group of kids say and I straighten up being taller than each of them.
"Are you a pufferfish or something?" A member of the posse snickers and I turn to Lauren who shrugs and we keep talking.
"Are you deaf we are talking to you?" I control myself not wanting us to be known as the deaf and mute kid after the first minute of the day.

Lauren's POV
I already can tell something bad has happened because Dani only gets pissed if people are mean to any of her family, and she's pissed. We walk to our first class, math. That should be outlawed, math being a first class. The teacher is luckily already there writing equations on the board.
And learning on the first day!
"Um, excuse me." I start standing awkwardly. I can't tell anything from the teachers body language.

Dani's POV
"You must be the Cimorelli cousins." I look at Lauren confused. "A Christina Cimorelli called in saying that her little sister Danielle and cousin Lauren would be coming to school. I already know the story, I won't call on you and you are partners." Thanks goodness for Christina being assertive. I lead Lauren to or seats.
Christina called in telling everything and apparently we are now cousins.

"And we are stuck with you in our classes also." I ignore the squeaky voice of a bully, no doubt.

Lauren's POV
I attempt to read the persons lips that arrived in the class and I know being rude to Dani. I get 'stuck.' I can tell by Dani's look I should not answer for us.

Dani's POV
"What is wrong with you?" The person asks and I feel my whole body shake. I'm not good at the whole expressing emotions inside myself. The person steps closer and touches my chin, next thing is I see the person clutching their nose with Lauren's fist in front of my face.
"Principals office now, all three of you." I grab Lauren's hand dragging her behind me.
"So what you're dating her?" The bully asks on the way too long walk to the principals office. The principal tells the bully to go to the nurses office for some ice.

Lauren's POV
Once the person leaves Dani takes out her little notepad.
Why'd you punch her?
Because she was being mean to you.
Thanks, but we want to draw as little attention as possible towards us.

Dani's POV
"She punched me like some crazy person!" The bully yells thundering the room I look at Lauren's whose eyebrows are furrowed in thought.
"Miss Davidson, I'm guessing it was just a communication error." The principal calmly says as my eyebrows shoot off of my face.
"I was speaking clear English, she must be deaf." Davidson huffs back.

Lauren's POV
I feel my hands start to sweat and my right one throb at the same time.
I take a deep breath, "We are not deaf, and I am not a crazy person." By the look on Dani's face I can tell that I said what I wanted to.

Dani's POV
"Sheesh, just have your guard dog chained next time. I want to have a little fun." Davidson says getting up. "Am I done here?" She asks coldly.
"Yes." The principal nods staring angrily at Lauren and I.

Updated this because akabpersempre wanted me to.

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