On My Own

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Amy's POV
I walk out of the room with help the actual turning of the knob done by Katherine. She's staying behind though for emotional support.
"Please tell me that those two get to leave this place." Lisa's brown eyes plead me and I search the room for the two girls not seeing them.
"Maybe but where did they go?" I ask thinking that is what Christina and Katherine are talking about.
"The bathroom." Lisa nonchalantly answers and I think one thing. I might be uptight and color within the lines but something about this is off.

Dani's POV
"I heard that you and your guard dog got in trouble again." I'm pushed harshly and of course Lauren in the stall cannot hear any of this. I push the shorter person back thinking since I cannot verbally fight and I'm leaving soon anyways I should stand up for myself.
"Finally got some guts. Did your lackey leave you behind? Poor baby." I hate this. I hate hurting people. I hate being yelled at. And moat of all I hate that this person is talking about Lauren like she's my servant.
"What do I have to do to make you speak? You seem pretty sassy." I slap the person, hard, across the face leaving a bright red handprint.

Lauren's POV
I come out of the stall after calmly collecting myself only to break down again seeing the unnamed bully, of course she has a name but I don't know it, and Dani face to face. I'm trembling staring at the two but I have a voice in the back of my head telling me this is Dani's fight. The person already has a glowing red mark on the side of her face so I suspect Dani is winning. I turn my head away not able to watch without doing something and wash my hands. I really hope I'm right about this.

Christina's POV
"Give us the documents to pull them out of school." I order for someone to do so.

"It's not that easy." A calm male voice projects to me.

"What is standing in the way?" I ask finding it quite easy. I will keep them home if I cannot legally get them out.

"They are fifteen and seventeen and have to go to school." The person says and I think for a moment.

Katherine's POV
"Well they aren't going here." Christina replies making me smile at her care for her younger sister. I'm confused at the mans words because I'm pretty sure you can drop/be kicked out of school even before high school.

"Just give us the papers." I tiredly demand unknowingly walking, figuratively, into the belly of the beast.

"No." The principal surprisingly says as the mean teacher is slightly cowering behind him.

"How about they get out of his class, Lauren's suspension is taken off her record, and then they'll stay." Christina crushes my hand as she grabs it and I think one thing.

They have something up their sleeves.

Lisa's POV
"Amy?" I ask sewing her blue eyes flood with fear. She doesn't even blink at my motion and I wonder what she is thinking about. "Ames!" I slightly yell in her face but it seems to snap her out of her daze.
"Dani. Lauren. Not safe." Amy gets out sounding exhausted from the four words.
"I care for them too Amy bur I can't just follow them around everywhere."

No matter how much I want to.

Amy rolls her eyes at me unfitting for her always smiling face, "I'm finding them. Are you coming?" She asks raising an eyebrow.

I nod slowly.

Don't want guilt on my shoulders.

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