Out Of The Loop

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Lauren's POV
I stare completely out of the loop at my teacher as he is trying to tell me something that I'm failing to comprehend. He points to Dani and then to me and I am going to infer he is pretty angry at us.
"Stop yelling at me." I finally get a headache and he is too close for my comfort. I turn to see Dani wide eyed and panicked.

What did I do wrong this time?

Dani's POV
"You disrespectful little brat." The teacher fumes at Lauren who I think has now given up on comprehending but she looks really uncomfortable.
"Stop yelling at me." She argues and the teacher has figurative steam coming out his ears.
"Somebody in this class listen to me and take these two delinquents to the principals office." I stop from having to be touched by probably some handsy teenage boy, tugging Lauren's arm.
"Sorry." Lauren apologizes it not aimed at anything.

Lisa's POV
I angrily stomp into the car not appreciating the three ducklings I have following me.
"Maybe it was a misunderstanding." Amy concludes as she helps Christina into the car. I lift Katherine up putting her wheelchair in the back mocking her voice in my head.

Amy's POV
"What could have been misunderstood?" Lisa asks as she buckles me in like a small child.
"I don't know let's just give them the benefit of the doubt." I really want this to me a mistake.
"The doubt they've earned, yeah." Lisa mumbles from the drivers seat.

Katherine's POV
"What do you think they did?" I ask Christina trying to make conversation.
"I don't want to know." That shocks me because Christina is usually a pretty nosy person.
"Why not?" I ask confused.
"Because I don't know how to stop it." She solemnly answers. "I cannot see what is wrong and need a middle man to communicate with either of them. I'm not a solution to their problems." She adds rationality behind her thoughts but she doesn't understand her importance to the two little girls.

Christina's POV
There is so many less distractions not being able to see and I did not know how negative my thoughts were. I thought I was a pretty encouraging person to my family members and friends but my thoughts prove otherwise. They spiral around my head trying to break me down with put downs and insults. Saying that no one needs me and that I'm a waste of space does not lift me up. At least I'm not the one getting in trouble.

Thanks for the comments and support! ATAJauregui love_kath_ akabpersempre EstaticZap

And Slytherin2001 andreastanton165 Dog8watermelon for voting!

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