Reading Part Two (Logic x Morality)

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Someone asked for a part two, I had an idea so
Here we go

Morality's eyes opened slowly, not wanting yet to be awake. It took a while, but things cleared up and he noticed he wasn't in his bedroom as usual, and his glasses were still on.

Blinking, he slowly sat himself up-or, tried to at least. An arm around him tugged him back down, and that was when he finally noticed the other sleeping body behind him. He turned his head, finding Logan sitting up with his eyes closed. He found the arm that wrapped around him belonged to Logan, and it didn't appear as though he would release Morality any time soon.

Morality smiled, turning over slightly in Logan's arms to face the other better, leaning against him. He admired Logan's peaceful features, eyes shut gently, mouth falling open slightly in his rest. He looked so cute, in Morality's eyes.

Morality sat there for a few moments, admiring the other, before noticing the time. He should be getting up to make breakfast for the others, now. Carefully, he removed Logan's arms from himself, and stood. He glanced back at Logan before he made his way to the kitchen, leaning down to gently kiss him on the cheek.

Unfortunately for him, this was when Logan stirred. His eyes fluttered open, just as Morality pulled back from the kiss with flushed cheeks.

"Oh," Morality breathed. "Y-You're up."

"Yes.." Logan cleared his throat, his own cheeks lit up. He sat up straighter, looking at Morality, who had not yet leaned away from him.

The two simply watched each other for a moment in silence, until Logan broke it. "Good morning, Morality.." he smiled nervously, snapping Morality back to reality, and causing him to jerk back, standing up straight again.

"Good morning, Logan! Forgive me, you just looked so peaceful in your sleep.." he mumbled, and Logan smiled assuringly.

"It's alright, Morality." He told the other gently, standing up himself. "We should.. probably get ready for the day, now." He cleared his throat. The two still stood very close to each other.

"Right.. I'll go get started on breakfast, then." Morality smiled, taking a step back and turning around to head in that direction. Logan nodded, turning himself towards his bedroom to get dressed.


Logan had just left his room when Morality called the others for breakfast. He walked towards the kitchen, knowing he would be the first to arrive; the others had probably just woken up as Morality called them and would take a while to get ready.

Logan smiled at Morality as he walked in, going to make himself a plate when Morality stopped him with a hand on his chest.

"Your tie is messed up." He muttered, standing in front of Logan and starting to fix his tie. They were standing very close, Logan noticed, and his heart was beating faster than usual, his cheeks flushed for the second time this morning.

It didn't take Morality long to finish fixing his tie, and once he did he still didn't step away from Logan. He smiled at him, and watched him with soft eyes, making Logan's cheeks burn more. He found himself leaning closer to Morality, the other doing the same, until Logan could feel Morality's breath, and see every little detail of his face. The other appeared to be blushing as well, just as much as he was.

Morality stopped, their noses almost touching, and whispered softly. "Would you mind if I.." he trailed off, feeling embarrassed. "If I.. kissed you?"

Logan blinked. "Go ahead.." he mumbled, and that was all that was said before Morality pressed his lips onto Logan's, wrapping an arm around him and pulling him gently closer, one arm around his waist and the other on his cheek. Logan was unsure what to do with his own hands at first, leaving them hanging at his sides, before opting to put them around Morality's neck. They stayed that way until they heard someone cough behind them, quickly jumping apart and finding Anxiety and Roman standing there. Anxiety rolled his eyes, while Roman had a smirk on his face.

"I was wondering when you two would get together; you already always act like a married couple." He chuckled, and took his seat at the table.

Morality and Logan's faces burned a bright red, both of them looking at each other and slowly smiling. Morality leaned up to Logan and kissed him quickly on the lips, pulling him into a brief hug. "Love you, Logan." He mumbled.

"I.. love you too." Logan smiled.

Somehow I actually went to sleep at a decent time last night, but I'm still tired and about to take a nap

I make no sense

I'm actually super proud of this one and the first one, I feel like they're the best ones for this ship I've put out so far!! I hope that you're enjoying them. ^•^


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