Fall (Prince x Anxiety)

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Winchester_At_Heart chose the ship for this one. Thank you ^•^

"It's very pretty outside, isn't it?" Roman mentioned as he looked out the window. Outside the colored leaves were falling from trees, littering the ground. Virgil looked up from his phone, looking outside and shrugging. He agreed, it was pretty, but he wouldn't tell Roman he was right.

"I guess," he said simply, looking back down at his phone. Roman rolled his eyes as he looked over at him.

"Oh, come on. It's pretty! We should spend some time outside today." The royal suggested, looking away from Virgil and back to the window, smile on his lips.

"Spend time outside? No thanks." He scoffed. "What would we even do out there?"

"It's fall! We could go out and jump in the leaves." He suggested, his grin growing wider as he thought about it more. "Come on, it will be fun."

"That sounds fun to you?" Virgil questioned, although being outside and spending time with the other didn't sound too awful. "Plus, we'll have to rake the leaves up first anyways. That sounds boring."

"Oh, c'mon. It's not too bad!" Roman tried to convince him, walking over and taking his hand. He tried to pull him out of his seat, but Virgil didn't move. "Please?"

Virgil stared at him for a minute, considered it. Finally he sighed, standing up. "Fine, whatever."

Roman cheered, still holding the anxious traits hand and pulling him outside, Virgil following behind. He seemed reluctant but really he was happy to get out of the house.

Somehow, with the weather being nice and cool, the outside scenery so pretty, and being with Roman, even what would normally be a chore became fun and exciting. Roman had challenged Virgil, turning it into a game. They were trying to see who could make the biggest pile the fastest. Roman was winning, and he seemed excited about it. Virgil didn't tell him he was only so far ahead because he kept getting distracted watching the royal.

He was just so excited, and the smile on his face made Virgil want to smile as well, simply happy to see the other happy. He was snapped out of his daze as Roman turned around, cheering.

"We've finally finished! And of course, my pile is the biggest, so I win." He grinned, and Virgil scoffed.

"Yeah right," he said, walking over to his pile of leaves and raking them so they were mixed in with Roman's pile. "You don't even have a pile, these are all mine."

Roman shook his head, a smile on his face. "Whatever. I won, you're just bitter about it. That's besides the point though, now that we're done we get to jump in the leaves!"

Virgil, glancing over at the huge pile of leaves that could cover up both of them, frowned. He was suddenly very worried about it. Who knows, maybe when they weren't looking a snake had hidden under the leaves. Or, perhaps there was a spider crawling around. Maybe more than one spider.

"I... dunno about this," he muttered, frowning. "Maybe it's not a good idea. One of us could get hurt."

"Oh, come on, Jack Smellington. It will be fine!" Roman insisted, although it wasn't very assuring. Before Virgil could argue more Roman had already run right past him, jumping and landing in the leaves.

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