What I love about you (Prince x Anxiety)

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Okay so in this one I'm aware they look the same but please imagine that they don't okay? Thanks

Roman and Virgil were both sitting on the couch, cuddled together to watch a Disney movie. Virgil was absorbed in the movie, while Roman was distracted by other things. He couldn't stop staring at Virgil.

He just couldn't help but to admire the one he loved, looking over every little thing about him, a small, happy smile on his lips. Virgil, after a while, noticed Roman was distracted, and looked back up at him. "What is it?" He mumbled. "Is there something wrong with my face?"

"No, no," Roman laughed, kissing Virgil's forehead. "The exact opposite, actually. You look so... perfect."

Roman smiled wider at the growing blush on Virgil's cheeks. "No, I don't." He denied quickly, looking away from Roman in an attempt to hide his blush and the smile he couldn't help but give at his boyfriends compliment. His hands came up to hide his smile behind them.

"Of course you do!" Roman laughed again, taking a hold of his hands and pulling them away from his face. "I can prove it. I can name you five things right now that I love about you."

"Then do it," Virgil challenged, knowing that Roman probably could, but wanting to hear it anyways. Roman smiled, accepting his challenge.

"First, I love the way your hands feel, held in mine. They fit perfectly, and even though we've been dating a while I still get butterflies in my stomach any time I hold your hands." Roman began, bringing Virgil's hands up to kiss the back of them. He let them go, and pointed a finger at his cheek, poking him. "I also love your freckles. They're the cutest thing I've ever seen."

He leaned in to press a kiss to his cheek.

"I adore your eyes. I love how they light up when you talk about something your interested in, how they shine whenever you look at me." Roman grinned as Virgil's blush grew even darker, leaning in to leave a kiss to his forehead as the embarrassed trait laughed.

"Of course, your laugh..." Roman sighed happily, smiling softly at Virgil. "I could listen to your laugh forever and never once get tired of it. Being able to make you laugh, or smile, that's the best feeling in the world. I swear that every time I hear you laugh, I fall even deeper in love with you."

Virgil felt his cheeks hurt from smiling too widely at Roman's compliments, and he couldn't help but lean forward to connect their lips in a long and loving kiss. Roman held him tightly, smiling as he pulled away, their foreheads still pressed against each other.

"That's only four things," Virgil smiled, and Roman laughed.

"Well, perhaps if I hadn't been cut off in what I was saying, I would have gotten to the last part." He kissed Virgil shortly again.

"I could list off every single thing about your looks, I love everything about you. But that's not all, nor is it what's most important. I love you for who you are, for the jokes you tell, the sarcastic and witty remarks you make. For the things you say, everything you love and everything you fear, every last little thing that has anything to do with you... I love."

Neither of them could keep their giant goofy smiles off their faces now as they looked at each other in complete adoration, both of them so happy and in love. Virgil laughed and pulled Roman back into another kiss that seemed to last forever, neither of them ever wanting to part from each other.

When they had to pull away, and only when they had to, Virgil leaned into Roman's chest, gripping him tightly and smiling. "I love you so much," he whispered, Roman smiling and kissing the top of his head, holding him back.

"And I love you too."

I was gonna sleep but then I thought of his and thought it was too cute not to write so

Here ya go.

I also might possibly maybe have an idea for an analogical book???? Maybe?? Idk yet, it's like, a high school au which is seriously unoriginal and used a ton, but people do seem to like them so idk??? Id just have to find a way to make it y'know, stand out a little as different from every other high school au that exists. Would anyone be interested? I know the ship isn't as popular, but I love it and I love the idea so I'd enjoy writing it.

I'll need time to think about it anyways, so oh well. I'm for real gonna try and sleep now, I'm exhausted.

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed. Love ya, take care of yourself. *tiny toy plane carries you a ring pop* bye-Bob

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