Puppy (Logic x Morality)

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Requested. And yes, I will take new requests for right now but please don't suggest anything incredibly complicated, and stick to my rules of what I will and will not write. I also do not write song fics, simply because I'm bad at them. I'm sorry.

Patton made his way excitedly to Logan's room, a skip in his step. He planned to inform the logical trait of his feelings today, and despite some nervousness getting to him, he was excited. He kept his focus on the possibility of Logan returning his feelings, and didn't let the negative side of it get to him.

When he got to Logan's room he called out to him.

"Hey Logan! Got time to talk? I have something to tell you." Patton said, looking around for the logical side. He was very confused and delighted to be met instead with a fuzzy four-legged creature.

The puppy ran up to him quickly, balancing on his back legs to look up at Patton, his front paws leaning against Patton's legs. Patton was unable to contain a glee-filled screech, immediately sitting down in the floor to be closer to the puppy. He grinned down at it, petting it and playing with it.

"Ah. I see you have met the dog." Logan said as he saw the pair in the floor.

"Yes I have! They're such a good puppy, aren't you?" Patton cooed at the puppy, laughing as it jumped up to lick his face. "What's it's name? And why do you have a puppy in your room anyways?"

"Thomas offered to watch him for a friend, and I happened to get stuck with it for now." Logan sighed. "His name is Max."

"Aww, hello Max! You have such a cute name, yes you do!" Patton cooed some more, the puppy getting even more excited at hearing Patton say his name. Logan shook his head at them.

"Did you come here to talk to me, or the puppy?" He questioned, sounding slightly annoyed but unable to hide the tiniest of smiles as he watched the two.

"Well I intended to talk to you, but I forgot what I was gonna say now, and plans can change. Now, I'm just gonna play with this puppy for a while." Patton shrugged, frowning as the puppy walked away from him. His grin returned brighter than ever when the puppy dragged him his toy, wanting Patton to play with him.

Logan, although kind of bothered by the fact that Patton wasn't talking to him at all despite coming to tell him something, eventually joined Patton in sitting on the floor to play with the puppy. He mostly just watched Patton play with it, but occasionally Patton would hand him the toy and tell him that he should play with the puppy for a while.

At one point the puppy got too tired to play anymore. It stopped chasing after the toy, and was now curled up on Patton's chest, as Patton was laying in the floor next to Logan.

"The floor is dirty, you know. It's unsanitary to sit on it, and you are laying down on it." Logan frowned, and Patton just shrugged it off.

"Everything is okay when there's a puppy nearby."

"I... no. That does not make sense." Logan insisted, and Patton shushed him.

"Everything is okay when there's a puppy nearby," he repeated.

"It's really not, but fine." Logan shook his head, finding it pointless to argue. "Anyways, now that the puppy is not distracting you... what is it you came to talk to me about?"

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