Screaming (Prince x Anxiety)

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Prompt. AU so yes they look different and they've never really met

Roman had been up late that night watching tv, and was getting ready to turn it off and get some sleep when he heard it. The walls between the apartments he lived in were very thin, so it was no surprise, but he was sure that even if they weren't he would have heard the screaming that came from next door.

Roman, being who he was, wanted to go and make sure everything was alright. He didn't know his neighbor well, but that didn't mean he wouldn't try and help them if they needed it. After a moment of consideration Roman got up and opened the door to his apartment, going over to the one next to him and knocking loudly on the door. There was yet another loud scream, and then nothing. It was silent for a few minutes, so he knocked on the door again.

After another minute of silence Roman heard the door being unlocked, and then opened up slightly. The man who peered through the cracked door looked awful. He was clearly exhausted, and seemed afraid of something.

"Can..." The man spoke in a gruff, tired voice, pausing and clearing his throat. "Can I help you?"

"I... heard screaming, from next door," Roman gestured to his door, flustered and wondering why he had decided this would be a good idea. "I was wondering if everything was alright. I was worried."

The man looked to the floor, frowning. "Was I really that loud...?" He muttered to himself.

"Sorry." He sighed, looking back up at Roman. "There's no problem. I just have bad dreams sometimes, nothing to worry about. If that was all, then you can go back to your own bed now, sorry again for waking you."

He started to close the door, but Roman caught it. "Hey, wait. Are you sure you're okay? Also, you didn't wake me up. I was up late anyways."

"I'm probably just going to end up staying up the rest of the night distracting myself, but I'll live." He shrugged.

"This may be a... strange offer, but would you like some company? Being alone after having a bad dream is never fun. You could talk to me about it." Roman offered, and his neighbor once again stared at the floor.

"Well... Having someone else around right now does sound kind of.. nice. I wouldn't want to keep you up any later though." He worried, and Roman shook his head.

"It's no problem. I don't mind, promise." He smiled, and the man smiled back.

"I... guess." He shrugged again, letting the door open wider. He gestured for Roman to follow him inside, both of them sitting on the couch together.

"So," he started, glancing over at Roman. "What's your name, anyways? I've seen you around, but I don't think we've ever talked. It's kind of weird, you being in my apartment when I don't even know your name."

"It's Roman." He answered. "I don't think we have talked before now. And your name..?"

"Virgil. You can call me Verge for short, though." He explained, grinning slightly. Roman nodded, returning his grin.

"Alright, Verge," He began, raising a questioning brow at him. "Is screaming in your sleep a normal occurrence for you?"

"Kind of." Virgil answered honestly. "Not every night obviously, but I either have nightmares or I just can't sleep at all."

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