(Logic x Anxiety)

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The sound of a heartbeat, paired with Logan's quiet breathing, and the turn of a page every so often. Those were the only noises in their room, where Logan and Anxiety were sprawled on the bed, Anxiety resting on Logan's chest as it rose and fell with his breathing. Logan read a book over Anxiety's head, relaxed and warm, both of them perfectly content.

Logan paused in his reading, having reached the end of the chapter and deciding to stop for the night. It was getting rather late, and he would need rest for tomorrow. He closed his book and placed it on the nightstand, turning off his lamp. The room wasn't completely dark, as Anxiety insisted on having extra lights set up to keep on at night(he was forever thankful that Logan didn't tease him for this).

"Tired?" Anxiety's words muffled by Logan's chest. He refused to lift his head to speak. Logan hummed his reply, bringing his now free hands up to wrap around Anxiety, one arm at his back and the other entangling in his hair. Anxiety sighed happily, his eyes falling shut as he leaned into Logan. Logan let a smile form on his lips, continuing to run his fingers through Anxiety's hair, and pressing a kiss to his forehead.

"I love you." Anxiety mumbled, actually lifting his head up from Logan's chest to face him. He leaned forward to capture Logan's lips in a long and sweet kiss, wrapping his arms tightly around Logan. When he pulled back, the two's foreheads were pressed against each other, looking into each other eyes with smiles on their faces.

"I love you too." Logan breathed, hugging Anxiety tightly and letting his eyes fall shut. It didn't take long for them both to be pulled into dreams, and even in them the two could not be apart.

I feel like death

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I feel like death

Also?? Might try out for a play might not
I dunno. I don't want my anxiety to keep me from things but I'm just... so scared, man.

Sorry all I seem able to write lately is super short stuff. Dunno what's wrong with me but I seem to be lacking inspiration. Hopefully that changes soon, anyways I hope that you enjoyed this. *hands you a cake. Just kidding it's fake there's a ring pop inside*

Idk at this point lol. Bye-Bob

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