(Logic x Anxiety)

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Idk how to title things so

Anxiety and Logan sat together in the living room, sitting close to each other in the couch. The room was anything but silent, both of them talking about the things that interest them. Anxiety's inputs on the conversation were often very dark, but Logan didn't seem to mind at all. He even agreed on some points Anxiety made, something that surprised Anxiety, as everyone else he knew seemed to brush him off, saying his thoughts were too dark.

Logan seemed to understand this was something he couldn't help, being the embodiment of anxiety.

The two had talked for hours, the time now being 2AM, both of them exhausted but not making any moves to head to bed. When Logan yawned in the middle of his sentence Anxiety grinned. "You should probably be getting some sleep. I'm sure you know how important it is to get at least seven hours of sleep at night."

"I'm surprised you remembered how much you're supposed to get, seeing as you never get that much yourself." Logan smiled a small, teasing grin at the other, who simply shrugged in return.

"I do pay attention when you tell me these things." He admitted. "Just.. having that information doesn't make it all that easier for me to sleep."

"I'd be happy to stay up with you to keep you company. At least until you can get some rest." Logan offered, the other shrugging once more as he leaned his head against Logan's shoulder.

"You don't have to do that.. Thanks, though. For offering." He muttered.

Logan wrapped an arm around the others shoulders, pulling him closer so his head rested on his chest. "I really don't mind, Anxiety. Anything to help out a.. friend."

Anxiety didn't say anything, too distracted by how Logan's heartbeat sounded as he leaned against him. He focused on it, closing his eyes and just listening, feeling his head move as Logan's chest did with his breathing, Anxiety's own breath slowing as a calm feeling was swept over him. Logan didn't say anything either, noticing the changes in the other's breath and his usually tense form had relaxed. He brought up his other hand to run through Anxiety's hair, hoping to continue to calm the other until he could get some sleep.

It didn't take long for it to work, Anxiety had drifted off into a peaceful slumber only a minute after, Logan smiling in triumph. A moment later his grin turned to a frown; he didn't want to move Anxiety to his own room to sleep. For many reasons he could name; he didn't want to wake the other, he didn't want the other to wake feeling alone or afraid, and, the one Logan didn't really want to admit to himself, he didn't want to leave Anxiety.

The thought of heading to his own room alone didn't sound pleasing at all. He would much rather stay here on the couch, a sleeping Anxiety curled up on top of him. He didn't dwell on the fact that they would both be embarrassed if caught together this way. Instead, he shifted a little to find a comfortable position for the both of them, and let his own eyes slide shut.

It didn't take him long, with the sound of Anxiety's peaceful breathing, and the warmth the other gave, for sleep to find Logan. 

It's 3AM, I have church in a few hours, and instead of sleeping I'm up writing gay fanfiction. :):):) how wonderful.

Okay I only wrote this before sleeping bc I felt guilty not updating in a few days despite saying I would take a break and had to write this tonight or I wouldn't have been able to sleep. Also once again everything I write takes place in the middle of the night bc I CRAVE SLEEP

So ^•^ I'm gonna sleep now. Hope this was alright, sorry for mistakes I am exhausted and also really focused on how much I need to use the bathroom rn so forgive me, I hope you enjoyed. Bye!-Bob

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