Suffocating Thoughts

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Warning: bad anxiety attack, and mention of self-deprecating thoughts. I know I said I'd do my best to keep this free if triggering things but I needed to vent and this happened. I apologize, I won't write any more until I'm feeling better myself.

I swear I'm working on everything already requested, just not accepting any new ones rn. Also this is pretty vent-y so I'm sorry for that too. No shipping in this one they're all just one big family.

Anxiety was alone. The others were all having a good time together, while he had shut himself away in his room.

He just didn't feel like himself today.

His mind was cluttered, thoughts flying by, tearing himself down, making him feel like everyone was against him. He knew it was rude to stay locked away in his room when the others all expected him to spend time with them, but he couldn't move. He had tried, he really had, but every time he made a single step outside of his bedroom door the thoughts got ten times worse.

He couldn't talk, couldn't think one coherent thing, could hardly even breathe. His thoughts were suffocating him, and his room was the only place he could hide out that it wasn't too bad. Even just thinking of stepping outside his safe room made him want rip his hair out in frustration and cry. He was close to doing just that even while in his safe room.

He curled tighter in on himself, trying to block everything out with his hands gripping his head. Just go away, he begged his thoughts. Please, please leave me alone. Nothing changed. He rocked himself back and forth, and slowly tears began to gather in his eyes.

A knock.

"Anxiety?" Roman. Anxiety couldn't speak to let him know he was in there. A minute passed. "We're all coming in, okay?" The door opened.

Anxiety looked up, finding them all looking at him worriedly. "Hey, we just wanted to check on you. Do you want us to leave you alone?" Patton asked. Anxiety shook his head quickly.

"Do you want to come out?" Another head shake. Patton thought for a moment. "Do you want us to sit in here with you? We can do the talking. We won't make you do anything you don't want." A nod this time.

Patton smiled, stepping inside and sitting down next to Anxiety on the bed. "We hope you feel better, kiddo." He told Anxiety, resting a hand gently on his shoulder. When Anxiety didn't flinch away, he gave him a hug that Anxiety happily leaned in to.

"We're all right here for you if you need us." Roman assured, joining in on the hug.

"Of course." Logan agreed. "We all care very much for you." Patton gave him a look, reaching an arm out for him to join in the hugging too. Logan hesitated, but sighed and joined the hug, a smile settling on his face.

Anxiety still didn't say anything as they all parted from the hug to sit around and talk. He listened in, noticing that the three's whispering(they knew being too loud sometimes made things worse for Anxiety) was distracting him from his thoughts. He felt more and more like himself, and he started to smile when they made jokes, and even laughed at one of Patton's puns.

He didn't say anything, but he was thankful to have them all around.

Aha I should be working on requests and I swear I will but I just

I can't focus on much at all rn and like Anx in this fic I don't really feel very much like myself

Let's just say I don't feel good and leave it at that. I'll get more requests done as soon as I'm feeling better, apologies if I don't answer comments. Once again, not feeling myself and I'm a little too anxious to function properly. I'll get over it soon, I'm sure...

Thanks for reading. Bye-Bob

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