Panic (Logic x Morality)

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Request: Morality is having a panic attack. Logic gets worried, unable to find him anywhere. Skyleisha666
So warning: panic attacks

The walls were closing in on him. With every frantic, shallow breath he managed the walls inched closer, closer, closer, threatening to engulf him at any moment now. Tears burned at his eyes, and his mouth was completely dry, and he thought surely he was dying. He was trapped, and he was never going to make it out again.

He screamed.


Logan had been searching for Morality for almost an hour now, looking in every room he could have possibly went to in hopes of finding him. The dad-like trait was meant to be making dinner for the others, as usual, but he wasn't in the kitchen and when Logan checked, he wasn't in his room either.

Logan was worried.

He was sure that's what he was feeling, he couldn't stop thinking about the other and couldn't even think logically about where to search. He just wanted to find him, now.

Then he heard the scream.

It had come from just down the hall, and he was quick to react, running as fast as he possibly could to get to where it had come from. He could hear choked, muffled sobs emitting from behind the door to a closet.

Why would anyone be in there?

Without giving it a second thought, Logan fumbled with the door knob, finding it stuck. He couldn't turn it. Thinking fast, he took a few steps away from the door, before charging back towards it in an attempt to break it open. He repeated this a few times, until the door swung open for him, revealing a terrified Morality sobbing and curled in a ball on the floor.

"G-get me out of here, please..!" His voice broke, and Logan said nothing as he leaned down to lift the scared trait into his arms, carrying him out of the cramped closet and into his room that wasn't far from there, sitting with him on his bed and refusing to let him go.

"It's alright Morality," Logan assured, sounding relieved. "You're alright."

Morality wasn't calming down though. His breathing remained sporadic and shallow, hiccuping every now and again. His hands tightly clutched onto Logan's shirt, showing no sign of loosening his grip at any time, and tears still slipped from his eyes.

"Morality, I need you to listen to me, alright?" Logan spoke soft and gently, putting his hands over Morality's comfortingly. He knew what Morality was experiencing, and knew he should try to help. "You are not in any danger Morality, I've got you. You can, and will, get through this, I promise. Please, try and breathe, alright? Can you do that?"

Morality gave the slightest of nods, and Logan offered him a smile. "Good, you're doing good. You can do this. In for four seconds," he breathed with Morality, hoping to help guide him. "And out. In, and out."

Morality followed along with him, breathing helping him to calm, if only a little bit. It still took some time before his death grip on Logan's shirt loosened, and he seemed to relax a little more.

Logan looked at him with a frown. He looked exhausted.

"Thank you.." Morality mumbled, unsure what exactly to do now. He didn't have any energy to move away from Logan now that he wasn't panicking.

"It is no problem, Morality. I am glad you are better now." He smiled softly and pulled him slightly closer. "I can, ah... take you back to your own room if you wish? This was the first place I thought to go when I saw you panicking."

"Actually, co-could I.." Morality paused, a blush coloring his face. "Could I maybe stay in here..? I'm so tired, and I.. feel safer, around you." He admitted sheepishly, glancing up at Logan. Logan nodded back to him.

"Of course you can, Morality." He shifted so Morality was laying on the bed with him, instead of on top of him, cheeks hot. "Anything you need, I'm right here." He offered, and Morality gave him the biggest smile he could muster despite his exhaustion, leaning forward to kiss Logan on the cheek.

"Thank you, again." His eyes slid closed with his words, and he drifted off into a peaceful rest. Logan sat still for a while after, the place Morality had kissed him felt electrified.

Soon, a smile of his own settled on his lips as he watched the peaceful trait in front of him. He subtly shifted closer to Morality, an arm wrapped around him and a kiss pressed against his forehead while he slept, before he himself drifted off with the other in his arms.

Why do these all end in them falling asleep
This just shows how much I long for sleep I guess lol

Also!!! Just wanted to mention, please don't ask me to read a book of yours if it has triggering content in it, such as self harm, suicide or even just thoughts of it, or anything like that. And also, if you write fanfics with any of that in it remember to put a warning for it. Even if it's just implications of it.

Sorry, I just really wanted to mention that as it kinda frustrates me when I find a fanfic that doesn't warn you beforehand of things like that. *sigh* I just need more prinxiety and/or logicality fanfiction that don't have mentions of those things like pls

Anyways!! I hope you enjoyed this oneshot. *hands you all ring pops* thanks for reading. Bye!-Bob

(Also, apologies for talking too much about myself in these, I'll stop doing that lol. Really hope you're liking the oneshots I write!!)

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