Sleep Now, Work Later (Prince x Anxiety)

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Anxiety wouldn't normally have said anything to Prince. He was never really one to initiate conversation with anyone, but especially not Prince. He couldn't help but notice however, that he hadn't been getting any sleep.

His room was just next door to Anxiety's, so he was able to hear him up all night(he couldn't typically sleep either, for obvious reasons), and when they passed each other in the halls during the day, the other Side looked almost more exhausted than he did. So Anxiety had to admit, he got a little worried. He did care for the other sides, despite not showing it often.

Here he was now, sitting up on his phone, listening to Prince talking to himself the next room over. He had had enough.

Standing up and pocketing his phone, he exited his own room and knocked loudly of Prince's, waiting for him to open it. The talking inside ceased, and after a moment the door was being opened a crack. "Yes?" Prince peered out, blinking as he saw who it was. "Anxiety?"

"I've had enough, Princey." Anxiety pushed the door open and stepped inside Prince's room. "What are you doing in here that's so important?"

"Well," Prince glanced around the room awkwardly. "I've had a lot of ideas lately. So I've been working on them all."

Anxiety turned to face him. "How much sleep did you get last night?" He interrogated. Prince blinked.

"Well.. enough." He shrugged, trying to brush it off. Anxiety shook his head.

"How many hours?"

"Maybe one..?" Prince admitted sheepishly. "But I've got so much done! What if I go to sleep, and when I wake up all of my creativity is gone? What if I forget something?"

"You are creativity. You don't have to worry about that." Anxiety crossed his arms. "The only one here who's supposed to get less than an hour of sleep a night is me. Sleeping is important."

Prince frowned. "If sleeping is so important, why don't you get more rest than that?"

"That's not important. You, sleep, now." Anxiety pointed at him, then Prince's bed. "You can work on it tomorrow. All your ideas and things you've done will still be there. I promise." He rolled his eyes.

Prince sighed, looking over at his bed and seeking his exhaustion come crashing back down on him. He had pushed it away, while working he was able to avoid it, but now he felt it. "You're right." He sighed out. Then, looked up at Anxiety. "But the only way I'm sleeping is if you make sure to get some rest too, Anxiety."

"Yeah, sure." Anxiety waves him off, starting to leave the room. "I'll try my best. You can go ahead, sleep."

Prince grabbed Anxiety's wrist as he tried to slip past him. "No, no. I'm making sure you get sleep too, so you're staying in here." He turned Anxiety around, sitting him down on the bed. Anxiety blinked, and looked up at him.

"I really don't think I'll be able to, Princey. You need it, I'm used to not having much." He sighed, moving to stand. The royal side would not let him go that easily, however.

"Could you sleep stay in here and try for a while? If you leave, I might just ok back to working anyways." He shrugged. "If you don't need sleep, why would I need it?"

Anxiety glared at him. Prince stared back at him, an amused smile on his lips as he watched the younger side. Eventually, Anxiety broke the eye contact and lay down, moving so there was room for the both of them. Prince's smile widened as he moved over to join him, both of them lying silently.

After a while, Anxiety must have assumed Prince was already sleeping. He had moved closer to him, and wrapped an arm hesitantly around him. He squeaked in surprise as Prince pulled him closer, holding him and opening an eye to see his face, smiling. Anxiety was blushing, and looked away from Prince, who simply pulled him closer. "It's okay. If it helps you sleep, I won't tell anyone." He assured. Anxiety relaxed.

"Thanks." He muttered, closing his eyes and leaning into Prince. The two sat like that for a minute, and that was all it took before they had drifted peacefully off to sleep.


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