The Toaster Incident (sorta just meant to be silly)

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Roman walked out of his room, looking disheveled. His hair was unusually messy, and he did not wear his normal attire, his usual outfit replaced by pajamas. Anxiety watched him as he entered the room with a yawn, walking into the kitchen to make himself some breakfast.

"You look even more tired than me." Anxiety commented, raising an eyebrow in question at Roman, who sighed.

"Stayed up late writing down ideas for Thomas." He leaned against the counter with another yawn after putting his bread in the toaster.

"Oh." Anxiety shrugged, and an awkward silence lingered, Prince making no move to break it and Anxiety was never one to break awkward silences due to his own anxiety.

After a few minutes of the silence Anxiety glanced over at Prince to find his eyes closed, still leaning against the counter and seemingly asleep. He started to teeter, and just as Anxiety was about to wake him up so he wouldn't fall, the toaster finished, making a noise as his bread popped up. The noise woke Roman, startling him and causing him to let out a shrill scream, which in turn caused Anxiety to scream in shock.

Soon, Logan and Patton had run into the room in their own pajamas, looking confused and startled. They came to a stop at the door to the kitchen, silently looking at the both of them and scanning them for injuries. "What.. what happened here, kiddos?" Patton finally spoke.

Roman and Anxiety were silent, Roman still not entirely sure what had happened and Anxiety searching for a way to explain that didn't sound ridiculous. His mouth fell open in his search for words, and finally he managed something. "Roman got scared of the toaster." He pointed to the other accusingly, Roman looking embarrassed.

"Surely that's not what happened! Wh-why would I be scared of the toaster?" He stammered, and Patton just grinned.

"Y'know kiddo, it's okay to be scared of things. The toaster can be surprising, especially when you've just woken up." He assured the other, and Roman just shook his head.

"Don't-don't try and reassure me, you're embarrassing me more." He muttered, and without another word turned to get his toast from the toaster, Anxiety, Patton, and even Logan, who had been silently watching the whole ordeal, barely held back their chuckles. Though, Anxiety wasn't exactly trying to, and laughed as loud as possible at Roman's mistake.

"You're ridiculous." He laughed, and Roman turned to glare at him.

"Quiet! I'm sure if you were running on as little sleep as I you would also have been startled." Prince jabbed back at him, and Anxiety rolled his eyes.

"I don't know how you didn't know this, but I already get less sleep than you probably did last night on a daily basis." He quipped back, causing Roman to frown.

"Why don't you sleep?" He questioned, and Anxiety once again had to roll his eyes.

"I can't. Y'know, being Anxiety and all." He grumbled. Prince sighed.

"I apologize for not noticing, Anxiety. Why don't we both attempt to get more rest once we've finished eating?" He offered, and the other shrugged.

"Could try. Will probably fail. I'm wide awake from you screaming at the toaster." He snickered, and Roman glared at him.

"Leave me and my toast alone!" He shouted.

I dunno what this was lol, I mostly wrote it to entertain myself bc it was too early to fall asleep but I felt too sick to focus on anything else so here. Now this exists.

Hope it was kind I amusing?? I dunno aha. I have like, four more drafts in this book and this is what I'm working on. Three of those drafts are requests this is so stressful I don't know how to complete them aaahhhhhhhh

Anyways before I babble on even more I'm gonna get some sleep now, cause it's twelve and if I get some sleep now I won't wake up at three in the morning. Maybe. Hopefully. Hope this was good and that ya liked it. Bye!-Bob

Also!!!! Kind of important, please please please don't just write a request saying "write __x__"

I need a basic idea of what you want to happen in it, and also it'd be helpful if you could let me know whether it's okay if I make it kinda silly or if you want it to be serious. Just please make sure you give me an idea of what to write about, not just a ship bc it makes it a lot easier for me to get it out sooner!! I don't ever like to turn down people's requests but I need to make it a little easier on myself. Thank you ^•^

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