My Dad (Morality x Anxiety)

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Request. By the way, I am not doing these in order as they were requested but as the ones that are easier for me, so I apologize if someone requested something else first. It's just easier on me this way. -Not a romantic pairing-

Anxiety sighed, closing the fridge door and turning around to head back to his room empty handed. He had woken up late and missed breakfast, and although he was starving they didn't have anything in the fridge that he didn't have to cook. He was certainly no chef, and almost everything he tried to cook burnt, so he assumed he would have to wait until lunch time came around to eat anything.

About to head back to his room, Anxiety jumped as he saw Patton in front of him, smiling. "Hey there, kiddo! Looking for something to eat?"

"Don't call me kiddo, and yeah. There's nothing in there, though. Nothing I can make." Anxiety shrugged, pulling his hood up on his jacket and stuffing his hands in his pocket, ready to walk back to his room when Patton stopped him.

"Well, I could make something for you! Just let me know what you want, let's see we have..." Patton opened the fridge back up and started listing off the things they had, Anxiety finally telling him that anything was okay with him. Patton nodded, a smile directed towards Anxiety before he started to drag out some ingredients.

Anxiety sat at the table as he waited for Patton to finish cooking, hand over his mouth to hide the grateful smile he had. When Patton had finished, he put Anxiety's meal on a plate for him, setting it in front of him and ruffling his hair.

"Thanks.." Anxiety mumbled, just loud enough for the parent to hear.

"No problem, kiddo! You should always eat at least a little something, if you get hungry you can always ask me to make you something." Patton grinned at the younger, saying he needed to go take care of something else and disappearing into another room. Anxiety let his smile show now, glad to have Patton around. He would never admit it, but he appreciated all that the parent did for them.


Anxiety was very clumsy. Everyone who knew him knew that about him, he tripped down the stairs, walked into walls, and even sometimes tripped on his own feet.

This was one of those incidents where his feet had betrayed him, and he had fallen to the floor, breaking a cup he had been holding in the process. When he landed, he landed on a shard of glass that came from his cup, letting out a yelp of pain.

In no time at all the parent had shown up beside him, almost like he knew something had happened. He helped Anxiety to his feet quickly. "What happened, kiddo? Are you hurt?"

Anxiety nodded, tears filling his eyes, though he fought against them. He brought up his arm to show Patton, the glass still stuck in his arm. Patton winced, quickly pulling Anxiety with him to the bathroom, where they kept a first aid kit.

He calmly and carefully fixed Anxiety up, cleaning his arm after getting the shard out and bandaging it. Anxiety had let a few of his tears fall as the dad cleaned it(well, more than a few), but the elder didn't mind at all, reassuring him and telling him he would be alright, and that he was doing well. "There ya go, all patched up." Patton grinned, and Anxiety gave the briefest of smiles back.

"Thanks.." He mumbled, and Patton just pulled him into a hug.

"Again, it's no problem, kiddo." He assured. Anxiety didn't say anything about being called kiddo this time.


"I'm sorry Morality, but I do not need your assistance on this. Please, let me concentrate." Logan spoke rather harshly, looking frustrated with the parent, who frowned.

"But Logan, I can help! I promise I wouldn't get in your way, I just want to be useful." He tried again, and Logan scoffed.

"I don't know how you could help me with this." He snapped. "It's a complicated problem, I don't believe you'll get it."

Patton looked at the ground, hiding the tears that burned his eyes. He sighed and was ready to turn away, when another voice spoke up. "Don't treat him that way!" They shouted, sounding angry. Patton glanced up to see Anxiety storming over, poking Logan in the chest.

"He's a lot smarter than you think he is, and he does a lot for all of us. What makes you think you can treat him like that?" He raised his voice with each word, getting angrier by the second. Logan was shocked.

"I didn't-I don't think he's not smart, I just-" Logan fumbled for a reply, and Anxiety shook his head at him.

"That's exactly what you were just saying. Patton watches after all of us, and is only trying to help. There was no reason for you to snap at him for trying to help you! Just because you're frustrated doesn't mean you get to push others around." He glared at Logan, who looked shocked. He couldn't say a word.

"Anxiety, it's alright.." Patton smiled, trying to assure him that he didn't mind. Anxiety shook his head.

"It's not alright. No one treats my dad like that." He said, then quickly flushed, realizing his words. "E-er.."

Patton's grin grew. "Aww, kiddo! You called me your dad!" He stepped closer to Anxiety, pulling him into a tight hug. "That's so sweet!"

"Well, you are kinda like my dad.." He mumbled, hiding a small embarrassed smile of his own. "But really, you shouldn't let people treat you like that."

"I know, kiddo." Patton chuckled. "I guess we should just let him be, for now." He pulled away from the hug, mussing Anxiety's hair. "Why don't we go have a movie night with Roman?" He offered.

Anxiety smiled shyly at him. "Alright, dad."

I really loved this idea and I hope you think I did well with it lol

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I really loved this idea and I hope you think I did well with it lol.

Also-don't worry I know I said I was sad today but like, writing oneshots cheers me up so don't worry about me overworking myself. I feel productive and happier when I get things done, and since I have basically no energy to actually get up and even get dressed or shower just sitting and writing makes me feel productive.

On another note my mom found out I write gay fanfiction and is most likely even more disappointed in me now, but you know who doesn't give a shit? Meeee (forgive me for my cursing, I've been trying to do better about it.)

Honestly tho I wish she'd get home bc I'm starving and I only ate a pop tart today so

I hope you all eat better than I have today, oops. Eating is important. I hope that you enjoyed this oneshot, as always you can have a ring pop on your way out. Bye!-Bob

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