Here for you (Logic x Morality)

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Requested. Once again please don't comment your request twice! I promise you I see every comment left, and I will get around to them. I'm currently not taking any more requests.

Logan had noticed something. Something that Patton had been trying to hide for a while, something that concerned him.

Patton always tried to be there for everyone else, always made sure that everyone else was happy and doing okay. He went out of his way to help others, and never complained about anything.

Lately, though, he seemed down. Logan caught him one day frowning, an unusual thing for Patton, and as soon as he saw the logical trait was in the room it disappeared, and he was smiling again. Logan could tell it wasn't genuine, but said nothing about it.

Another time, days after that, Logan saw him comforting Virgil after a particularly bad anxiety attack. Nothing unusual, Patton was always there for everyone.

He helped Virgil through it, sat with him while he calmed down and talked to him for a while afterwards. His smile never left him as he sat with Virgil, but again Logan could tell it wasn't his usual bright and cheery grin. After Virgil left and thanked him Patton looked exhausted.

Logan once again said nothing.

The next time he saw Patton looking upset was after he had calmed Roman down to avoid a fight between him and Virgil. He had sent them both off to separate rooms in the end, both of them listening and leaving Patton and Logan alone. The dad sighed, staring at the ground and seemingly lost in thought.

"Patton?" Logan tried, taking a step closer to the side. "Is something wrong?"

"Hm? Oh, no, it's nothing." He smiled too wide for it to be real. "I'm fine. Don't worry."

"It is a little too late for that." Logan mumbled, frowning.

"What do you mean?" Patton asked, and Logan winced.

"Well... I meant I already have been worried. You seem very... off, lately. Unhappy. It is not like you, and I am concerned." Logan admitted, cheeks heating up.

"Oh, well thank you Logan but I promise, I'm just fine! Like I said, don't worry." Patton tried to assure him, but Logan shook his head.

"Forgive me for not believing you, Patton, but I have been paying attention to your behavior lately and you do not seem fine. You frown when no one is around, and you look tired. You try and act happy around the three of us, but I can tell you are not being genuine. Please, Patton, I am worried about you." Logan sighed, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Tell me what is wrong."

"You... really pay that much attention to me? I didn't think anyone would notice..." Patton looked to the floor, face red and frown returning. "I just want to be there for you all, I don't want to worry anyone with my problems."

Logan was quiet for a moment, contemplating what he should say. After a while he pulled Patton into a hug, arms wrapped tightly around him to hold him close. Patton soon returned the hug, and Logan could hear him sniffling, and felt something wet on his shoulder.

"Patton, we all care for you just as much as you care about us. Maybe even more, in my case... Anyways, what I mean is that you can always come to us when you are upset or hurting. We want you to be okay just as much as you want us to be okay." Logan told him, holding onto him as he cried.

"I know," Patton whispered. "I know you care, I don't know why I thought I should hide it. I just... every once in a while taking care of everyone else just... it becomes too much. I take everyone's problems as my own, and I can't handle it, and I just... Thank you, Logan." He pulled back from the hug and smiled at him, eyes still filled with unshed tears. "Thanks for worrying about me. It means so much that you came to talk to me."

"Of course," Logan smiled back at him. "I... Well, I love you, Patton. Of course I'm going to worry if there's something wrong." He felt his cheeks grow warmer, and he hoped his feelings would be returned.

Patton smiled brightly, wiping away the tears from his eyes and then leaning forward to press a kiss to Logan's cheek. "I love you too."

Logan stared at Patton for a moment, shocked but happy. He wrapped his arms back around Patton to pull him into a kiss, one Patton returned happily. They both held each other close, not letting go of each other even after they had to stop, Patton's head resting on Logan's shoulder. Logan kissed the top of his head.

"Like I said, if you ever need anyone to talk to, about anything, just come find me." He assured, and Patton nodded.

"Yeah," he whispered back to him. "I will."

Hope this was alright!! I almost didn't upload today, I haven't been on my phone at all today really but

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Hope this was alright!! I almost didn't upload today, I haven't been on my phone at all today really but... well I have a lot more requested I need to get done so I just, wanted to update even tho I should probably be sleeping.

If I'm not on don't worry I'm probably just.... doing schoolwork or watching movies to cheer myself up haha. Anyways, I really do need to sleep now. I have to go to the gym in the morning. (Laterthismorningwhatever)

Hope you enjoyed this, thanks for reading. *throws a pokeball at you with a ring pop inside* (thanks Ninjai356 ) Take good care of yourselves. I love you guys. 💜 Bye!-Bob

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