(Logic x Anxiety x Morality x Prince)

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Requested. Still not accepting any new requests, sorry. Also-in the beginning of this one only logic morality and prince are together
I'm very vague in this about certain things but like listen I've never been in a poly relationship so I can't really say how it works as good as a person who's actually a part of one could I'm sorry

Roman was acting strange lately, and Logan and Patton had noticed it.

He seemed to be lost in thought more often. He worried more over their friend, Virgil, and acted very strange around him. They were beginning to worry that something was wrong, and both of them decided to bring it up with him one day.

"Hey, Roman," Patton spoke softly as they approached him, smiling. "We wanted to talk to you."

"Talk to me?" Roman sat up, looking worried. "What about?"

"We have noticed you acting strange recently. We are concerned, and we want to find out what might be bothering you." Logan answered him, sitting down next to Patton, across from Roman.

"Acting strange? I'm fine! No need to worry." Roman answered too quickly, and the other two knew he was lying.

Patton frowned, reaching out to hold his hand. "Whatever it is, we just wanna know. We're worried, Roman."

Logan took his other hand and Patton's, nodding along with what Patton had said. Roman looked at their hands holding his, and sighed.

"I might... kind of, have a bit of a crush on Virgil?" He phrased it as a question, sounding nervous about how they might react. He knew they probably wouldn't mind, but he was worried anyways. "I just... didn't know what to do about it. So I tried to hide it. I guess that didn't really work out for me."

It was quiet for a moment, Roman staring at the ground with burning cheeks. "Sorry to worry you guys."

"It's okay, Roman!" Patton assured him, squeezing his hand comfortingly.

"You should tell him," Logan smiled, looking over at Patton, who nodded.

"Yeah! Definitely. We would be happy to have him." Patton grinned, and Roman gave his own tiny relieved smile.

"You really think I should...? What if it doesn't... work out right? What if he hates me?" He frowned again, making himself look smaller. "I'd just embarrass myself."

"I doubt that would happen. I'm sure that he likes you too, Roman." Logan reassured him, and Patton nodded.

"And if it doesn't go exactly how you want it to, it will be okay! He wouldn't hate you, and we promise to be here for you no matter what, okay? We love you Roman." Patton got up to sit next to Roman, hugging him tightly, Logan moving to do the same. Roman smiled, hugging them back.

"I love you both too. Thank you," he spoke softly, still nervous about talking to Virgil. "Will you guys be there with me? When I tell him?"

"Of course!" Patton told him, and Logan nodded.

"We'll be by your side the whole time." He promised.

"Well," Roman started, taking in a deep breath to calm himself down. "I guess... I should probably go get it over with, then."

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