(Prince x Anxiety)

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All was quiet throughout the mind, the time being two in the morning, both Anxiety and Roman still for some reason up. The two weren't talking, Anxiety scrolling though apps on his phone, and Roman just thinking over things.

Anxiety was being currently held in Roman's warm and safe arms, the royal holding his boyfriend tightly. He rested his head in the crook of Anxiety's neck, leaving small kisses there. Anxiety sighed as he leaned back into Roman, his phone forgotten as he gave all his attention to his boyfriend.

"I love you so much.." Roman mumbled against his skin, smiling softly, his eyes closed peacefully.

"Love you too.." Anxiety murmured back, turning his head to the side so Roman could peck his lips. Roman pulled the smaller trait closer to him, pressing more kisses to his cheek and nose and anywhere else he could possibly reach. Anxiety couldn't help as a laugh escaped him, Roman grinning widely at that.

"I love your laugh so much." He kissed Anxiety's lips again, though the kiss didn't last long. "I love the way you talk, your adorable smile that you're always trying to keep hidden, and everything else about you. You're adorable, Anxiety. I love you, so, so much.."

Anxiety felt his face heat up. Even after all this time of the two being together, Roman still knew exactly what to say to make him blush. Knew exactly what to say to make him feel better. He truly loved everything about Anxiety, all of the things he hated about himself, and it made Anxiety feel like the luckiest, happiest person in the world. He turned around to better face Roman, pulling him close and giving him a long-lasting kiss.

Roman was happy to return said kiss, his arms wrapped tightly around Anxiety's waist while Anxiety tried to hold himself up over Roman. When they finally pulled away for breath they both had the biggest, dorkiest of grins.

"I love you..." Anxiety breathed. "More than anything."

Roman kissed him once again. "And I love you just as much."

So actually this was just me imagining what I'd be doing rn if I had a boyfriend bc I'm lonely as hell
I was originally gonna write this with myself as Roman and make up an imaginary boyfriend for myself (not to put it anywhere, just bc, why not lol)

But then I changed my mind bc I should write something for you all to read

.... I'll do the last request next, im sorry
Also....... may post the Prinxiety book tomorrow?? I'll announce it here at the end of another oneshot I write if I do. Or you can just check tomorrow (warning:I'll probably wake up at like, 2)

*tosses everyone a ring pop*
I'm gonna get some sleep now. Bye!-A lonely soul

(Forgive me if I use lol after like, every sentence when I talk oops. It's just me being awkward and not wanting to sound sarcastic or rude ignore me aha)

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