Wake up (Logic x Morality)

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Not a request and I apologize, I am working on them, I promise. Also guys really. I said I'm not taking any more right now, don't put even more requests on that very chapter I said I didn't want them! I'm sorry, but I will not be doing them. At least not until I've done the others first.

"Logan." Patton whispered, laying behind the other trait and mouth right next to his ear. "Get up, Logan." It was time for the both of them to get up, and Patton didn't want to wake him rudely.

The other did not stir, so Patton tried again. "Logaaan." He whined softly, shaking his shoulder gently. He sighed as his attempts once again failed, a small smile on his face as he looked down at his sleeping husband. An idea came to him, and he leaned over so he could see Logan's face better. He pressed a kiss to his cheek, then another to his forehead, his nose, his eyelid. Logan began to stir, but still did not fully wake.

"Looogaaaan.." Patton whined again, nuzzling his nose into the other's neck and sighing, an arm wrapped around him. "It's time to get uuup.."

Logan turned, wrapping his arms around Patton and holding him close, but still not fully waking. Patton huffed, and pushed him back slightly. He gave him another kiss, this time on his lips, lasting a while. It only took a moment before Logan was returning it, unable to help smiling as he kissed Patton. They pulled back after a while, and Patton pouted. "How long were you awake without saying anything?"

"A while." Logan admitted, not looking even a little sheepish. "I was enjoying your acts of affection."

Patton shook his head at the other, opening his mouth to go off on him but being cut off as Logan pulled him back in for another kiss. Patton reluctantly gave in and kissed him back, Logan moving so the other was on his back now, Logan hovering over him as they kissed. His hands wondered down Patton's sides, and he pulled away from the kiss just as he began to tickle Patton, something he knew annoyed the other.

Patton couldn't help the loud screeching laugh he let out, fighting Logan. He kicked and flailed around, trying to get away, but Logan was on top of him and had his arms pinned down. There was no getting away.

Logan tickled Patton until he ran out of breath, then and only then did he let him go. Patton pushed Logan off of him, catching his breath. "I.. don't like you... right now." He huffed, and Logan chuckled.

"You love me." He teased. "It would be illogical to marry someone you do not love."

"Well I'm not the logical side, am I Logan?" Patton retaliated, trying to look angry and failing, a grin on his face.

"No, you are not. You still love me, though." Logan smiled as he looked at Patton, and Patton grinned back.

"Yeah. I do." He laughed, sitting up to kiss Logan briefly.

"I love you too, Patton."

I was about to cry so I wrote fluff and now I'm cured of sadness

I really need a boyfriend tbh. Or girlfriend, or nonbinary date. I dunno juST SOMEBODY DATE ME

IM CUTE, I HAVE GREAT PERSONALITY. so why aren't people lining up to date me. I don't even have friends. Lol, it's cause people are intimidated by my awesomeness. That is the only logical reason, it's not that I'm unattractive or boring. Obviously.

Anyways I'm gonna continue to distract myself by writing requests. Have a ring pop, pals. Bye!-Bob

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