Love Notes (Logic x Morality)

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It was a couple of days ago that it began. Logan had found little notes in various places he was in, notes with short and silly poems written on the back of them. Today's note appeared in his book, next to his old bookmark he used.

"Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
But no kind of flower,
Is as pretty as you!"

Logan smiled slightly at the note, looking around to see no one else around, and tucking it away in his pocket to put with the other's later. He, of course, had already figured out who was leaving the notes, although he said nothing. Obviously it would not have been Anxiety, as that wasn't something he would ever do, and they were too bubbly and kind to be from Prince. Even if it was from Prince, he certainly wouldn't leave the notes anonymous, that just wasn't like him at all. If he did something, he made sure everyone knew it was him who did it and no one else, and that he was the best.

So that only left Morality, and even if Logan thought he may have been wrong, Morality was not very good at sneaking. Many times already Logan had seen him enter his room, paper in hand, not even noticing Logan standing just down the hall watching. He still said nothing though, as every time Morality left a note he would have a bright smile on his face the rest of the day, and there was certainly no reason for Logan to end that.

Later on in the day, Logan caught Morality once again sneaking a message. This time, however, he looked very nervous, and Logan wasn't sure why. Every other time he had done this he had seemed so happy, so what could make him nervous this time? What was different?

Logan decided he would find out himself after he read the note, and silently waited for Morality to exit the room, examining him as he stepped out and shut the door. His cheeks were red, and eyes cast down to the floor; he didn't know Logan was right in front of him until he crashed into him.

"O-oh, Logan! Sorry, I.. didn't mean to run into you there." He chuckled awkwardly, unable to look Logan in the eyes.

"Is everything alright, Morality?" He questioned, genuinely concerned. He knew it was likely showing on his face, and once more wished emotions weren't something he had to handle.

"Oh, yes! I'm fine, just perfect." Morality grinned at him, but Logan could tell it was off. "Just, ah, a little flustered." He shrugged, and Logan frowned.

"Well, if you need anything, please let me know." He offered, giving the briefest of smiles to Morality. That seemed to help his smile return, if only a small one.

"Will do, Logan." He smiled. "For now I gotta go, but I'll see you around!"

With that he was off walking down the hall again, and Logan wasted no time in heading to his room to find the note Morality had left for him. He must not have wanted Logan to find it very quickly, because it was hidden very well. Logan did find it though, in his desk drawer under a folder.

This note seemed different from all the rest; rather than being scribbled down quickly it appeared he had taken time and put care into writing this note, each letter carefully written out. He had very good handwriting, when he took his time, Logan noted.

"Dear Logan,
I'm sure you've noticed this note is different from the rest. It's longer, and not a poem. I do hope you've enjoyed the poems though, you did say you had an appreciation for poetry. I know they were just silly, but I hope they brightened up your day! Right now I'm writing this letter because I've needed to get something off my chest.
Logan, I think you're wonderful. I love everything about you, the way your eyes light up as you're solving something in your head, the way you think. I love you. I love you so much.
Anyways, that's all I wanted to say. I feel relieved writing this down, and I know you're really smart so I'm really hoping you haven't already figured out who this is.
Love you! -Not a Poet"

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