Nail Polish (No Ship)

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I was in the middle of painting my nails but I had an idea let's hope I don't mess them up. This is an au Roman and Virgil are kids and Patton is Virgil's dad and Logan is Roman's okie let's move on to the story

Virgil had just been curious. He had seen all the little girls in school with nail polish on their fingers, and all he wanted was to try it out on his own. He thought it looked really cool, so he asked one of the girls in his class if she had any he could borrow.

Now here he was at home, sitting in the floor of his room and very carefully trying to put on some black nail polish. He didn't want to get it anywhere, and as soon as he had seen what it looked like he planned to take it off again. He was embarrassed of what other people might say, he had never seen a boy wearing nail polish and even the little girl who gave him the nail polish thought it was weird if him to ask. He didn't want anyone to know, he just wanted to try it.

Being so concentrated on not getting it anywhere but on his nails Virgil didn't hear as his dad approached, not his door was being opened. Virgil jumped, quickly taking the nail polish and hiding it behind his back, looking up at his dad, Patton.

"Hey Virgil! What've you been up to back here, kiddo?" His dad asked him, and Virgil quickly tried to think up a lie. Nothing came to him in time.

"Uh... nothing!" Was all he said, very obviously nervous about being caught.

"Nothing, huh? Then what exactly is it you're hiding from me behind your back?" Patton questioned him, setting his hands on his waist as he waited for a response.

"It's nothing!" Virgil insisted, shaking his head. Patton frowned, walking over to Virgil.

"Come on, you know lying is bad. Just tell me what it is, okay?" Patton sat down in front of him, waiting for Virgil to show him what it was he was hiding. Reluctantly, Virgil held out the nail polish to him, looking at the ground and feeling embarrassed.

"Am I in trouble?" He asked, glancing up at his dad.

"Nail polish?" Patton looked at what Virgil had. "No, you're not in trouble Virgil. But where did you get this?"

"I asked one of the girls in school for it. I'm only borrowing it, I have to give it back tomorrow. I was just gonna try it on, and then I wasn't gonna wear it again!" Virgil defended himself, and Patton just smiled at him.

"Do you want to wear it?" He asked, and Virgil slowly nodded at him. "Well, then you can wear it whenever you want to Virgil. Here, why don't I help you put it on, so it doesn't get everywhere. Then you have to make sure you give this back tomorrow, okay? I'll buy you some of your own."

"Really? You will?" Virgil looked excited, and Patton laughed and nodded. "Are you sure it's not weird? I've never seen any other boys in my class with it..."

"So? That doesn't make you weird. Wanting to do something different isn't a bad thing, Virgil." Patton assured him, taking Virgil's hand and the nail polish and starting to put it on.

As soon as he had finished Virgil looked down at his hands, a wide smile on his face. Then, he threw his arms around his dad, hugging him. "Thanks, dad."

Patton hugged him back, smiling happily. "You're welcome, kiddo. Be careful now, you want to let it dry before you do anything else or you'll mess it up."


The next day Virgil showed up to school with his nail polish on as well as a wide and happy smile. Some of the kids questioned why he wore it, but no one was mean to him and they actually thought he was really cool.

Roman had taken notice of his nails and thought that it was really cool-he had never thought a boy could do things like that! He knew immediately that he wanted to try it too.

The second he got home from school he excitedly asked his dad about it.

"Dad! There's this really cool boy in my class who wore nail polish to school today. Can I do that too?" He spoke quickly, unable to hold back his excitement. He really wanted to look as cool as that boy did.

"Nail polish?" His dad asked him, sounding confused at first. Roman just nodded wordlessly at him, waiting to hear his response. "I suppose, if that's what you want to do. We can go out and get you some later."

"Really? Thank you dad!" Roman thanked him, barely able to wait until he could try it out.

Soon after Virgil and Roman started wearing their nail polish to school other kids followed along. Not all of them were interested in it, but no one judged them for wanting to or for not wanting to. They were all happy.

I didn't know exactly how to end this one but I thought it was cute. I mean, he wears makeup, what if he'd like nail polish too?

Also I'm surprised I didn't mess up my own fingernails while typing this haha. They look really pretty tho I love this purple color like just look

 They look really pretty tho I love this purple color like just look

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Aren't they great? I love painting my nails

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Aren't they great? I love painting my nails.

Also why is my house literally always freezing I have a jacket on and I'm wrapped up in a blanket but I'm still cold this is stupid

Anyways, haha, I hope you enjoyed this I thought it was really cute. Thanks for reading. *a rainbow appears in front of you and a pot of ring pops slides down into your arms*

 *a rainbow appears in front of you and a pot of ring pops slides down into your arms*

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Take care of yourself! Love you. ❤️💛💚💙💜 Bye!-Bob

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