xviii. reclaim

747 34 14

{ Eric Hutchinson - Oh! }

- - Harry

                    I tapped my foot to the beat, and stirred the egg that was frying at the moment. I heard my phone ring but I ignored it.

"That wierdo with five colours in her hair!" I screamed-slash-sang at the top of my lungs. I banged my head to the punk-rock tempo. I closed my eyes, and used the wooden spoon as a guitar.

Another ring. I ignored.

  Another ring. I stirred.

    Another ring. I put a pinch of salt and pepper.

      Another ring. I stirred again.

        Another ring. I sniffled and sneezed because of the damn pepper.

          Another ring. I grabbed a plate.

            Another ring. I scraped the egg from the pot to the plate.

              Another ring. I poured myself some milk.

                Another ring. I grabbed a second glass and poured some juice.

                  Another ring. I set the two glasses and the plate on the table.

I picked up my phone, and answered the phone. "Hello?" I said, taking a sip of juice.

"Finally! What took you so fuckin long?" said Niall, and I chuckled.

"I was cooking." I said, and took another sip of juice. "Hey, did you eat all of the toast when you came over?"

He chuckled. "I have some interesting things to tell you, H. Can I come over?"

I smiled, glad that I wasn't going to be alone today. "Always welcomed, mate. Just bring toast!" He laughed but agreed. I end the call and eat the egg. As I was about to take the last bite, the bell rang.

"That was fast?" I said to myself, and got up. Why didn't Niall just use his key? I opened the door, and blinked. "Hey, wh-what, how did you find me?"

He smiled. "One Direction updates?" he shrugged. I chuckled, and shook my head.

"Better not have leaked my address then." I joked. He smiled, and looked down. "Oh yeah, come in." I gestured towards my house.

He smiled and came in. I swallowed. "Woah." He said. His blue eyes widened and took in the whole place.

"A little bit to much?" I said, hoping he didn't hate it. He smiled.

"Not at all, MTV cribs." he said, and I laughed. He smiled. "So, I uh, needed to talk to you about something."

I nodded, and gestured towards my couch. "Sure! Niall will be coming soon with some toast if you want to stay." I babbled. He smiled.

"No thank you." he said, and took a deep breathe. "Harry, what exactly is going on?"

I raised an eyebrow. "With?"

"Us. I-I-I literally just turned on the tv to see that you denied us. I mean, I don't mind because we aren't dating but-" I pressed my lips to his. His soft lips that were teasing me. I cupped his cheek and pulled away.

"I want to." I said, and he blinked. "Louis I told you, I want to be with you." He nodded, his eyes watering.

"Why? Why do you want to be with me? I'm nothing but a waste of space, Harry. I don't feel better than I did when I handed you that necklace. And every single day I think that I would have rather died that day! Why, out of every single person on the fuckin world why me? Because you feel sorry for me?" he said, and I shook my head.

"No, no, no. Of course not. Louis, when you gave me this necklace-" I took out the silver airplane out from my shirt. "-When you gave me this necklace I made it my life mission to save you. To find out why you would want to end your life, why such a beautiful and amazing guy would want to leave. When I first met your eyes, those beautiful blue eyes right there, I was dumbfounded and taken back. I hatw seeing you like this."

I kissed his nose. "I don't want to see you break, love. Your so amazing and I just want to make you happy."

He sniffled. "B-but I just, I don't think I'd be able to handle the hate, the paparazzi, and everything." He admitted. "Plus, the fans will never approve of you dating a nobody."

I shook my head. "I love my fans, but who I date is my choice. Okay? And if they were truly my fans, they'd understand that you make me happy. That dating you is my choice not theirs." I said, and wiped the tears that slipped.

"Harry." he whispered, and I smiled. I kissed him softly.

"Shh, don't talk, yeah?" I said, and hugged him softly.

"SO FUCK YOU.. FUCK YOU" sang Niall as he came in. We both looked up at the Irish lad. He stopped in front of us. "D-did I interrupt something?"

Louis smiled. "No, not really." I said, and kissed Louis' shoulder.

"So are you two?" said Niall, pointing at me and Louis. I smiled, got up, and took the toast from Niall.

"That's exclusive." I said, and glanced at Louis. He blushed and looked down.

"Aww, Harold. Your no fun." whined Niall, making Louis smile.

"Hey, that kind of stuff is private, Neil." I said, and put the bread in the cabinet. He rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, Harold."

I heard as the tv turned on and I put two slices in the toast, putting the last one off to the side for now.

"He's so chatty." said Louis, making me jump. He smiled, and bit his lip. "Sorry."

I shook my head. "Hey, don't worry about it." I kissed his forehead. He smiled.

"Thanks for the bread." he chuckled, and I nodded.

"No problem, do you want anything on it?" I asked, getting out peanut butter, which was Niall's favorite.

"No thank you." he said, but I ignored him. I grabbed the already toasted bread and spread some jam.

"Nonsense. You have not lived if you haven't tasted one of Harry's famous toasted breads." said Niall from the living room. I smiled.

"Fans flatter me to much." I said, shrugging. Louis chuckled.

"This fan is just hoping for a really toasted toast." said Niall. I chuckled.

"He truly is care-free?" Said Louis, smiling. I nodded.

"No exaggeration." I smiled, and locked Louis in by putting each of my hands beside him. Using my body as a wall. Louis blushed and looked up. "So does this mean we're together?"

He smiled, and I saw as he rose to his toes to kiss my nose. "Maybe, now move Mr.Giant. Your toast is burning." I squealed, and threw the bread away from the fire.

"Ahh, Harry. Why'd you do that for?" said Niall, and I turned to see the toast on his shirt. I laughed, and so did Louis. "Great the boyfriends are out to get me."

I smiled and glanced at Louis. He met my gaze, then at the ground.


Authors Note: Ahhhh, this story has more than 1K, how in Charles name did that happen? Just a few days ago it had like 13 reads. You guys are so fuckin (worthy of a cuss word) amazing! Thank you for all your support & keep it up, please. ♥

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