lv. last concert

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[ Last Chapter. ]

One Direction | Spaces

Louis and Harry held each other's hand. Smiles on both of their faces. They've made it, they both thought.

"Ready?" Said Liam, putting a hand on Harry's shoulder. Despite every single thing that had happened between these 5 boys, the love between them was stronger.

"More than I'll ever be." Laughed Harry, turning to Louis, who was smiling. It was his first time being backstage, before a concert. Soon, he'll be at his first and last One Direction concert.

"This view is amazing." Awed Louis, squeezing Harry's hand. He felt nervous for Harry, performing in-front of all the filled seats. The last concert had been free, no cost. This was goodbye.

"You should see when it fills up." Said Niall, smiling. "It looks amazing."

"I bet." Louis said, smiling. Niall nodded, and looked over at Zayn.

"Put your shitty Nokia phone down, and come join us." Niall yelled at Zayn, who just laughed.

Louis looked at Harry, who was looking down.

"Hey, come with me?" Asked Louis, leaning in. He planted a kiss on Harry's cheek, making his favorite indentations appear.

Louis took Harry away from the boys as possible. Far enough they were barely audible.

Harry leaned Louis against one of the speakers, and kissed him. Something they hadn't been able to do since the rehearsals for the concert.

Harry slipped his hands inside Louis' shirt, running his hands up and down his sides. Something Louis was very fond of.

Louis moaned softly as Harry kissed his neck, sucking and nipping at the skin. Not wasting a single minute.

"Penny for your thoughts." Whispered Louis as Harry pulled away to admire his work.

"I want to fuck you on the stage." Said Harry, licking his lips. "In front of everyone."

"Sounds intimidating." Whispered Louis, giggling. He wrapped his arms around Harry's neck, and stepped closer to him.

"I'm also nervous. It's our last show, and I just, fuck." He said, chuckling. Louis smiled, kissing his lips softly.

"You'll do amazing, like you always do. You'll rock out to the music, and do your cute stupid dances." Encouraged Louis.

"Think so?" Harry whispered. Louis nodded, and took both of Harry's hands.

"Of course. You're Harry Styles. The boy with the unforgettable curls, and the piercing green eyes. Dimples that make people whimper, and this long body that I want to diminish." Smiled Louis, giggling.

Harry smiled, fondly. "And you're Louis Tomlinson. Boy with the sass and ass. Curves better than Beyonce, and the heart of gold. Forgiving and considerate, and the person who I am in love with."

"And we're One Direction." Said the boys, hugging both Louis and Harry. All five smiled, tears in their eyes.

"I just wanted to apologize for everything." Said Liam, biting his lip. "I was wrong to think that I could get in the way of true love."

"No matter what, love finds it's way back home." Said Zayn. All five laughed, and looked at stadium.

"Never forget this place." Says Niall, smiling softly.

"Never forget where we belong, mates." Said Zayn.

The End.

Thank you all for this amazing journey. No one really saw this coming, and neither did I. But as the days passed by, the less interested did I become writing and people became reading it. I feel as if I would've continued, the story would've been dragged out. This 55 pages have been amazing and this will forever be in my heart. Even as I grow old. Thank you so much and have a wonderful new year.


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