xlii. cope

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I but my lip, fighting back the tears. Why and how was this happening? Things were so good. They were finally going our way. Was this Gods way of punishing me? Was this all fake? Please be fake.

"There might be a way to fix this." Said Simon, biting his lip. But even he knew what was going on. How can someone so young have Alzheimer's.

"There's no hope, Simon." Said Liam, and I scoffed. He frowned. "Excuse me?"

"Way to bring us all down with you, Mr.Positive." I said, shaking my head. "Instead of using all that wonderful energy against us, why don't you go comfort your fuckin band-mate."

"You know what-"

"-Guys." Said Zayn, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Harry doesn't need this. He needs us to help him cope with all this."

"How are we to help him cope? It's not possible for us to help him cope with this? He has fuckin Alzheimer's, Zayn! Am I the only one thinking reasonably?"

"Stop it!" screamed Niall, making me jump. I turned and he sighed. "Just stop. Harry is in the room next door, and everyone can hear you bickering. All he needs right now is that we stay together and help him through!"

"He has a point." Said Simon, rubbing his temples. "Louis, he is quite fond of you. Why don't you go see him?"

"Fond?" I said, scoffing slightly. "He yelled at me, he screamed at me to leave!"

"That's because he doesn't remember you!" said Liam, scoffing.

"You swear as if this is my fault, Liam." I said, frowning. Liam shrugged. "Last time I checked, you get Alzheimer's by genetics."

"Not blaming this on you, Louis." Said Zayn, and I shook my head.

"I'll see what I can do." I said, leaving the crowd. I walked out if the room and towards the room they checked Harry in. All of this seemed like a dream. I just couldn't imagine how Harry felt. Waking up with no recognition of who and where you are.

I opened the door to his room to find him playing with the tag around his wrist.

"Hi." I said softly. His misty green eyes met mine, and I felt as my heart skip a beat.

"Oh hi." He said, smiling politely. His dimples appearing then disappearing.

"How are you?" I said, leaning my head on the doorframe. He played with the tag and shrugged.

"I-I honestly don't know. I remember somethings, I-is this even possible?" he asked, his eyes becoming more glossy.

"I don't know, Harry." I said.

"Harry. Is that my name?" he said, and I nodded. "What else do you know about me, uhm?"

"Louis. My name is Louis." I said, stepping in. I closed the door behind me, and took a seat next to him.

"Louis." He said, a small smile forming in his lips. "Do I have Alzheimer's, Louis?"

I looked up at him. He looked so young, so pure. "No, I. I don't really know, Harry. They did tests on you, but we haven't gotten the results yet."

"Are you my brother, Louis?" He furrowed his eyebrows, looking down at his hands. I smiled, my name leaving his lips made my eyes turned glossy too.

"No, not exactly."



He pout.



I smiled, making him glare at me.


"I'm only two years older than you, Harry."

"So? I'm sure there are-"

"How is that remotely possible to begin with?"

I chuckled, making him flustered even more.

"Well? What are you?"

"Let's just begin with you, yeah?" I said.

He frowned. "But I-" he sighed, but nodded. "Okay. Tell me my life story."

And I know he was joking, but what he didn't know (which he did) is that I knew his life story. Front to back. . .

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