liii. easesdrop

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No Song This Chapter. 😊 ✧


When the elevator doors opened, at the end of the hallway I could see his office. The same office where I stormed out of when he called me a 'fag', and 'disgrace to humankind.'

I could feel the warm tears falling down my cheeks, my jaw clenching together, the same rage that filled me up that day. I hated Simon Cowell.

I was about to burst inside when I heard Liam's voice come from inside. I stopped myself, and listened to their hushed conversation.

"He got his memories back." Said Liam.

"That's impossible. I made sure that the medication he was given were placebos." Said someone else, his voice to deep to be Simon's.

"You did what?" Said Liam, surprised.

"He defied us, Liam. His coming out created a great loss to yours, and ours budget." Said Simon, his voice slow and calm.

"Are you fuckin serious? You drugged my best friend!"

There was a loud thump, as if someone had pounded something.

"Of course not. When we took him to the hospital the doctors discovered a cancer cell." Said Simon.

I felt the air get suck out. Cancer cell?

"We all have cancer cells, Simon. That's not--"

"It was growing, Liam. Those pills didn't help with his memory, but they helped him get white blood cells to his leukemia cell." Said the other voice.

"Leukemia?" Liam's voice broke.

"Apparently so. Whatever caused Harry to loose his memories might've been something caused by the cell, or maybe not. The point is that he's all better now. No cell, and no loss of memories."

"What if it didn't stop? Were you going to tell him?" Said Liam.

"Of course, Liam. We're not cruel, you know. Whatever we do to prevent Harry from fucking up our business is nothing personal." Said Simon.

"It's strictly business when it comes to money, but when it comes to the well-being of the lad, it's personal. Harry is a great guy." Said the third voice.

"That he is. But he's also a quick buck to make from. Losing him, means losing profit." Said Simon.

I shook my head, and stood up. Taking all the information I found out, I walked out of the building. And walked back home.

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