xxxix. i don't

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'Looove." I whispered into his ear. He hummed in response. Louis eyes still close, head on my chest. 'Time to wake up, Lou.' I said, poking his sides.

He whined. 'Why? I want to stay in bed all day. Just you and me.' he hugged my chest tighter. I laughed and kissed the top of his soft head.

'This is the aftermath of having sex at three in the morning.' I whispered into his mess of hair, my thumb massaging circles into his bare back.

'Sex sounds so kinky. I prefer making love.' he said, and I chuckled.

'It was kinky, Lou.' I said, and tilted his head up. 'You called me Daddy.' He blushed frantically.

'Oh shut up.' Louis said, laughing. He looked up at my eyes, and raised a hand to brush back my curls. 'You called me your little slut, so..'

'Well you are. You were in that small black lace.' I said, my eyes flickering to the reveling material on the ground. He groaned and hid his face into my chest.

'Haz!' he whined, and I laughed.

'Mm? C'mon love, get up. We have to pack for the tour.' I said, kissing his head.

'But I don't want to.' he whined, and I slowly untangled himself from him. He pouted.

'Well I have to.' I said, and he bit his lip. 'And stop starring.'

'Nothing I haven't seen or tasted before.' he teased, making me  laugh again.

'Mhm.' I responded, and opened the brown traveling bag. I started folding his clothes, when a small paper fell out. I frowned, and opened the folded paper.

'Meet Stan @ the usual '

'Is that my clothes? Wow, Harry, we're so domestic.' he teased, but I didn't turn around. 'Harry?'

I stood there.

'Harry?' he asked again. He put his hand on my shoulder, and I quickly fell under his touch.

I covered my eyes and sobbed loudly.


'-Why can't you fuckin be honest with me?' I yelled.

'Harry, what-'

'You've been talking to Stan?' I said, getting up and wiping my eyes.

'Y-yeah, we-'

'Why didn't you tell me you were meeting him before we leave?" I threw him the note.

'Harry, I-'

'You what? Going to kiss him before you leave?' I snapped. 'Is that why you were awake at one in the morning? Because you were talking to him?'

'Harry, calm down.' he said, and I shook my head.

'I don't want to calm the fuck down!' I yelled, and threw the suitcases on the ground. Our clothes scattering everywhere.

'Harry.' he sobbed, but I just scoffed.

'No.' I said, and shook my head. 'I may have to be with you throughout the whole tour, but just know this Louis Tomlinson.' I pinned him to the wall.

'Your overreacting.' he said, my back against the wall. He looked down, unable to look me in the eyes.

'It'll take more than a simple sorry to fix this.' I said, then stormed out. He sighed and shook his head.

'Your overreacting!' he screamed.

I closed my eyes as Niall explained to me the situation. Supposedly Louis had a panic attacks, even if I was the one who got cheated on. Even if I was the one who got lied to.

"He needs you." he said, and I scoffed at that. He didn't need me, he had Stan.

"Okay." I said, and left. I opened the door to the tour bus.

"He hates me." sobbed Louis as he was in a ball on the bed. I bit my lip."He hates me, he hates me."

"I don't hate you." I said, and he sniffled. He looked up at me, eyes shot red.

"Wh-what." he stuttered. I gripped my fists into balls.

"I mean, I hate what you did." I explained, and squatted down to his size. "But I can never hate you."

I tilted his head up, and he fell under my touch. He wrapped his arms around me, sobbing harder

Messy 'I'msorry' filling the master room. I kissed his cheek.

"Where you going to meet him?" I whispered.

"It's not what you think." he whispered.

"I overreacted."

"You had the right."

"I should've listen."

"I love you so much."

"I know, baby."

He sobbed in my chest for a long time. I hugged him tightly. I tilted his head up and wiped his tears away.

"I don't, ok?" I said, and kissed both his eyes. "I don't nor will I ever."

"I love you." hw whimper, and I smiled. I kissed his lips softly. He hesitated a bit, but soon pulled himself onto my lap.

He wrapped his arms around my neck and rock his hips against mine. I groaned.

"Lou, since when does having a break down make you horny?" I teased, and he moaned.

"I need you." he said, and I chuckled.

"Wait till everyone is gone." I whispered, and kissed his neck softly. "Yeah?"

"Mkay." he said tired. I chuckled and kissed his cheek.

"You guys made up." said Niall, smiling. I nodded and wrapped his arm around Louis petite body.

"Well good, now we can go to our first stop." he said, clapping his hands together.

"Mm?" I said, the rest of the boys coming in after.

"COLUMBIA!" said Zayn, and Liam. I rolled my eyes.

"Sorry love." I said, looking over at Louis. He groaned, and hid into my neck.

"Sorry?" said Niall, tilting his head.

"I have a little. . ." whispered Louis into my neck, kissing my collarbone. "Problem."

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Authors Note: How about that? Love is forgiving, and love is comfort. I guess this kinda fits with real life because the tour starts soon. (or tomorrow idk but I just...) ♡

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