vi. betrayed

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vi. Betrayed // { Shane Harper - Wait For Me }

"Harry" whispered someone, nudging my arm. I groaned, and slowly opened my eyes. I winced at the bright lights.

"Zayn, close the curtains." I said, making him laugh. I furrrowed my eyebrows, and sat up. I felt an intense pain in my neck, I reached back and massaged my neck. "Fuck, where are we?"

He laughed, and closed his door. He handed me a coffee, and smiled. "Got us food." he said, avoiding my question. I looked around and saw that we were in front of an airport. Suddenly, everything came back to me. I snapped my head around, and scoffed.

"You lied to me?" I said, and saw something flicker in his eyes. He shook his head, and bit his lip. "You told me that you'd take me to see Louis!" I yelled, and backed away from him. I pressed my back to the cold window, and wiped my eyes.

"Harry, I did this for your own good." he said, and sat his coffee down. He reached for me but I quickly opened the door. I ran away from his car as fast as I could, and I looked back to see the boys standing together. I shook my head, and felt tears fall down my face. I turned away and sniffled.

I ran until I found myself in a city. I looked around, everything was different. I furrowed my eyebrows, and sniffled. I tried to find something familiar, but couldn't find anything. I kept walking, and sighed. I was lost.

Go back.

Said a voice, but I ignored it. I kept walking, and bit my lip. I walked down the highway, cars always honking at me. I looked down at the ground, and took out my phone. All the boys had called at least once or twice, and emailed me. I was #1 trending on Twitter, and my DM's and feed was full with 'We're here for you Harry' and stuff like that.

Not worth it.

I kept walking, and searched my pockets. I stopped walking and searched my pockets again. Louis' letter. I groaned, and kept searching for it. It was gone. I instintively reached up to my neck. The necklace was gone too. I shook my head, and turned back. If I went back to the airport, they woudln't let me go.

Go back.

I shook my head, and kept walking in the direction I was going. I walked and walked, but never looked back or up. I needed to find somewhere to sleep tonight, and I needed to find my way back to Louis' street. I just couldn't remember what it was called.

I looked up for once that hour, and saw a cafe. I licked my lips, and walked towards it. I shoved my hands in my pockets, and searched for money. I had fifty pounds, and knowing Management, they probably freezed my cards. I groaned, and opened the door. Everyone's eyes met mine, and I swallowed hard.

I made my way to an empty booth in the back of the cafe. I opened the cafe, and searched for something cheap. I bit my lip, and shivered. I always hated when people starred. I smiled polietly, and looked back down at my menu.

"What will you be having, superstar." said someone, and I looked up to meet a guy. He had a chubby face, brown eyes, and soft looking hair. He smiled, but you could see the sarcasm in it. I looked down at my menu, and bit my lip.

"Some eggs with bacon, and a glass of juice please." I said, and I watched as his sarcastic looked vanished. He raised his eyebrow.

"Seriously?" he said, and I nodded. He scoffed, and chuckled. "I'm sorry, it's just.. famous people come here all the time and they make me write a long ass oder." I smiled, and shook my head. I would never do that, cards frozen or not.

"No, don't have much of an appetite." I admitted, and looked down at my stomach. How much would my stomach grow if I added the cinnamon buns. I bit my lip, and debated with myself.

"Let me guess, you want the cinnamon buns." he said, smirking. I looked away from the poster, and blushed a bit. "I make those, so let me just say, they are the house special."

"Stan Lucas, don't you dare lie! People come here for our signature coffee!" yelled someone from the kitchen. Stan rolled his eyes, and smiled a bit.

"Sure, sure." he said, and wrote what I guess was my order down. He looekd up at me, and furrowed his eyebrows. "Your Harry Styles, right?"

I nodded, and smiled. "Yeah, I am." His eyes widened, and then sadned.

"Wow, I can't wait to see my friends face when I tell him I met you. He's a big fan!" he said, and smirked. He bit his tongue, and laughed. "He's going to crap his joggers."

I chuckled, and nodded. "Want me to give him an autograph?"

His eyes brightened. "Would you, mate? That'd be nice of you!" I smiled, and nodded. I grabbed a napkin from the stand, and he handed me a pen. I tugged on the napkin so it would be flat, and signed it.

"What's his name?" I said, smiling. he smiled back, and nodded.

"Louis. Louis Tomlinson."

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