xl. show #1

368 12 1

> Louis

I don't know what I did to be where I am right now, but I don't care. I don't want to think about it, just enjoy it.

"Lou, can you lift your head a little?" whispered Harry, lifting my head up. I groaned, but complied. I look up at him, smiling. "What?"

"Nothing, I just think your so cute." I chuckled, kissing his cheek. He smiled and rubbed his eyes. "Tired?" I leaned in, kissing his eyelids.

"Yeah, a little. I was up most of the night." He said, sitting up. He leaned against the headboard.

"Stressing?" I grinned, and leaned my back against his front. He wrapped his arms around me, kissing my cheek.

"Yes, stressing. I don't want to fuckin cry. I mean, this is our last show." He said, his thumb grazing my hand. "I want it to be perfect for everyone."

"It will be Harry, as long as you guys do what you do best. And that's being yourselves. You've managed to make them fall in love with your joined personalities." I said, cupping his face. He smiled, his dimples lazily appearing.

"Did you?" he asked, rubbing his nose. I smiled at how adorable it looked.

"Did I what, love?" I said, snuggling more into his arms.

"Did you fall in love with our personalities?" he smiled. I chuckled, and nodded.

"Yeah, yeah I did. If I recall, I was really in love with this guy named Harry Styles." I smiled, looking up at him. His hands travelled down my body.

"Yeah? And what made him stand out to you?" he said. I bit my lip, and turned to face him. I straddled his lap.

He smirked, and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Well for starters, the fact that he had the fuckin courage to tell the whole wide world that he prefers dicks or boobs." I said, making him blush. "Second, was these god-sake dimples. How I wish I could poke them, and just make him smile so I can see the god-damn dimples."

He smiled, dimples and all. "Third?" he said, making me scoff.

"Thirdly, is that your going to be late if you don't get ready now." I said, and he frowned. He kissed me softly.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, and sat up a bit. He groaned, and I heard some pants rustling.

"What are you doing Harry Styles?" I laughed against his neck. He chuckled.

"M'getting ready." He said, and slid his pants off. "While-" he pressed his lips against mine, nibbling on my bottom lip softly. "-Kissing you."

I giggled, and pulled away. "Just get ready, you cheeky monkey." I playfully hit his stomach, making him pout. He eventually complied, and started to get ready. And I watched as he did.

How he would walk up and down the room, trying to get ready. I but my lip as he started to do push-ups. Just watching how his biceps would bulge out, the sweat on his forehead start to form. I moaned unconsciously.

"Louis?" said Harry in his beautiful morning voice. I swallowed hard. "Don't moan like that, Lou."

"I-I'm sorry. I just, you look so fuckin hot right now." I said, and bit my lip. He smirked, standing up. He walked towards me, until he finally hovered over me on the bed. I groaned softly, his front pressed against mine.

"Mm, good thing we have this room one last night." He winked, before leaving me flustered. I swallowed.


> Harry

If there is one thing I love to do, besides Louis, it is performing. Feeling the power that the crowd gives us. The screaming, the nerves from the other boys.

"So, then I woke up to find out that she stayed." Said Niall, shock in his voice. "I mean, nothing was missing!"

I snorted. "Your so mean." I laughed, smacking his arm. "I'm glad you met someone."

He smiled. "I know. She's really amazing, and funny." He shrugged, but even if he played it off cool, I could see the wide smile playing on his lips.

"G-good job, Ni." Said Liam, patting him on the back. I glanced at Zayn, who was glaring at Liam.

"So are we ready to perform or no?" I said, and Niall smiled at me.

"Ready?" said Liam, twining his hand with Zayn.

"Wait what?" I laughed, and Zayn blushed.

"Nothing." Teased Liam, as Zayn hid his face into Liam's shoulder.

"Ahh." I said, making them both smile. I was happy for them, I was. But I wished Liam wouldn't have lead on Niall for months.

"Mhm." Said Zayn. I rolled my eyes and we all joined hands.

"Hi ho, hi ho. Off the work we go." Said Niall in his usual voice. We laughed and joined in.

I glanced back at Louis who was sitting on the couch that was in the room. I smiled and gestured him to me. He blushed and walked towards us. I wrapped my arm around his waist and kissed his temple.

"Welcome to the 1D family." I whispered and he giggled.

"I'm honored." He said, laughing.

And finally, everything felt right.

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Authors Note:

So this was practically a filler chapter but oh whale. 🐳

I'll make a better chapter soon, I promise. I'm just trying to motion things. :)

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