l. our turn

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Chapter Song:

Ashes & Wine by A Fine Frenzy


"Get out." Said Liam, eyes bloodshot. He grabbed me by my arm and pulled me out. "What part of fuckin leave didn't you understand?"

"Let me go." I snapped, trying to pull out of his grip. "Liam, let me go!"

"Let him go, Liam." Said someone. I turned to see Zayn. Liam let me go and scoffed.

"Can't you see it? It's his fault. It's all his fault that we're like this." Said Liam, shaking his head. "It's all his fault."

"Liam, Harry loosing his memory isn't Louis fault." Said Niall. I looked around for Harry.

"Maybe. But it's his fault that I have to pay for it? While all of you have been playing around, I have to do the cleaning up. And I'm so fuckin sick of it." Spat Liam.

"Sorry you got stuck babysitting." Said Harry. I turned and sighed. "You think I choose this? I didn't. I didn't choose to forget everything."

"Harry." I said, looking at him. He shook his head and smiled.

"All of you lied to me." He said, shaking his head. "You made me believe that Louis wasn't part of my life. That I never met him!"

"You told him? You fuckin-" Said Liam, he walked towards me but Zayn stopped him.

"He didn't have to." Said Harry. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I don't understand, Harry. If you knew that and I didn't tell you, then that means-" I shook my head.

"That means I got my memories back? Yeah, I did." He said, and looked up at the boys. He shook his head. "And I wish I hadn't.

"Harry, we didn't have a chose." Said Niall. I swallowed, and watched as Liam sat down on the couch. "Management made us."

"I know, I remember Louis telling me." He said, glancing at me. "When he ran from them to me."

I sighed, and took his hand in mine. "Harry, maybe we should talk about this somewhere else." I rubbed my thumb along his hand.

"Or maybe they should leave. This is my house after all." He said, shaking his head.


"No, he's asleep." I said to Niall. I watched as Harry hugged the covers. Watched as his chest rose and fell. "I always forget that he's younger than me."

"It's not your fault." Said Niall. I sighed, and went to pick up the mess that was in the living room. "It's our fault. We should've known better than to come between true love."

"Is it?" I said, shaking my head. "Niall, I love him, I really do. But if he has his memory back, then that means he remembers when I cheated on him, when I lied to him."

"He was bound to remember, sooner or later. Guess we all expected later."

"I don't want to loose him again. But I just don't want to hurt him. I see him with his eyes close and he just seems so innocent. So young." I said, throwing a beer can across the room.

"He's the youngster, Lou. He puts up a strong act, but he's still so young." Said Niall.

"You know, he once told me that I saved him. But the truth is that he saved me. He helped through such a dark place." I said, biting my lip.

"He saved us all." Said Niall. I furrowed my eyebrows, and nodded.

It was true. No matter what. Harry was the one that saved us. He saved us from our dark places. By pulling us from it.

"And now it's our turn."

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Sooooo, this is the 50th chapter. It's kinda a freakin huge deal to me. I never thought this story would be such a big deal but it is. And I'm so grateful. Thank you for the reads and votes.

This is officially the half way marker.

50 chapters down. 50 left. :)

Vote & Comment. 💕

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