xi. moment of truth

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XI. Moment of Truth

{ The Summer Set - Don't Let Me Go }

   "Hey, love." I looked up from the door and smiled softly.

"Hi Johanna, how is he?" I asked, and kissed her cheek. She smiled hugged me tightly.

"He's going to be fine, that's for sure." she said, her eyes tired. I smiled and sighed.

"I can't start in telling you how sorry I am, I wanted to save him so bad. I just-"

"Harry, it's okay. I'm glad you came. I'm sure he'll be very pleased to see you." she smiled.

I smiled, and glanced at him. His eyes were closed but you could see as his chest rose and fell at ease. I smiled to myself.

"I have to step out for a bit, mind watching him?"

I smiled. "I'd be glad to."

As she closed the door, Louis jumped. I turned and met his blue eyes. The same blue eyes that I've been wanting to see for days.

"Louis." I whispered. A small smile formed on his smile. I bit my lip, and felt my cheeks starting to burn.

"Your staring." he said, and I looked away.

"I know, I uh, yeah." I said, mentally cursing myself. He smiled and nodded.

"So this is how you look like in real life?"

"You sound disappointed."

"Mhm, you seemed much more better in my screen."

"Photoshop mainly."

"Such a shame."

"I must say you are quite the sight. Didn't get much of a glance the first time I saw you."

"I'll take that as a compliment."

"It was."

He smiled, cheekily. "Didn't know Harry Styles was so cheeky."

"Your the cheeky one here, mate."

He smiled wider. I felt my stomach churning.



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