xxii. waiting room

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{ Lea Michele - Empty Handed }

Better three hours too soon than a minute too late.

~ William Shakespeare

           Life has a weird way of working. It can give you everything you have hope and wish for, then suddenly take it away from you.

Dr.James we need you in the emergency room.

You can meet the best thing you've ever wanted. Maybe even your soul-mate. Mine just so happened to be a celebrity. Harry Styles.

What's the status on the patient?

Harry Styles was only 18 years old when I found him on my Tumblr timeline. He was wearing his famous dimpled smile, and converse. His lovely soft-looking curls.

He was in a car accident, lost a lot of blood, and 12 in. long, estimated 2 in. deep cut on the top if his head.

I fell in love with the way Harry carried himself. His jokes. His dorky ways. Just the way he can make anyone fall in love with him.

Then what are waiting for, lets get this boy in already. Did he have a name on him?

I've been madly in love with someone on my screen for three years. Dreaming about the millions of ways that I would say to him how much I loved him.

Yes, his name is .... ahh, yes. Harry Styles.

How much I love how used to play with his bracelets when he was nervous. The way he stood up for himself and admitted he was gay in national television. In front of millions of people. The way he did that shortly after they asked him if he liked all the 'womanizer' titles.

Harry Styles? The singer?

How he simply just muttered "Well, no. No one should be labeled that, especially if their gay." Then he simply just pointed to himself, glanced at his management, then smirked throughout the whole interview.

Yes, I believe so.

Wow, such sadness. The kid had a long career in front of him.

          I tapped my foot as fast as I could, but for some odd reason the floor just didn't break.

"Give them some time, I'm sure he'll be okay." I heard someone say. I turned to see the whole waiting room filled with people, people whom I knew just because I was a huge fan.

Nick. Rita. One Direction (4/5). 5 Seconds of Summer. Paul. Anne. Gemma. Lou. Lux. Pablo. 1D Team. Cara.

Nick leaned into Harry's mother, Anne. She sucked onto her bottom lip, and nodded. Her watered eyes met mine, and I bet she wondered who was I.

"Need anything?" said someone, and I jumped. I turned to find a purple-headed girl. She looked so much like Harry.

"Huh?" I said, and she chuckled.

"I said do you need anything, mate. Like water or something?" she smiled, dimples and all. I felt my stomach churnning.

"No thank you." I said, and she nodded. She walked away and I turned back to see Anne talking to Lou.

"Family of Harry Styles?" said a doctor, and everyone came rushing by me. "Woah, just family." Anne stepped forward.

"C-can I see my son?" she sniffled.

"I'm afraid not, mam. I just need to ask you a few questions. If you can come with me." he said, gesturing towards a hall. Anne nodded, and followed the doctor.

Everyone else went back to waiting. I couldn't help but just notice the amount of people waiting for Harry to be ok. Just to get the news that the guy that they all adore and love is going to make it through the night. Harry was loved and adored by many, no doubt about it.

I wrapped my arms around myself, and swallowed the isolated feeling. I glanced at the crowd of people. Whispering to each other words of comfort.

"They seem like they all like each other huh?" said someone, and I looked up to see Gemma.

"Don't they?" I asked, my voice hoarse. She smiled, and sat down on the seat beside me.

"Not at all, Lou over there." she pointed. "She hates Nick." I smiled softly.

"Gryles?" I said, and she laughed.

"Not really her otp." she said, and I smiled. "Nick doesn't like me, because well, gryles."

I shook my head. "It's ridiculous how in a moment of crisis, everyone drops all the stupid grudges and come together." She scoffed, then sipped some of her coffee.

I nodded.

"Where's my mum?" she asked.

"Doctor wanted to ask her some questions." I said, and she nodded.

"I hope he gets better."

"Me too."

"God, I love that little dork so much."

"Me too."

Authors Note: Ahhhhhhhh, I am literally bursting with so many ideas right now. If you don't gasp while reading this chapter and the next chapter then you are lying to yourself. I mean, c'mon guys we needed drama. (;

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