i. confidential

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i. confidential { The Perishers - Pills }

"Harry." laughed Niall, and shook his head. I frowned deeply and smacked his forearm. He frowned and looked up at me.

"I'm fuckin serious, Niall. I need to find him!" I yelled, and walked over to Liam. He shook his head.

"Nothing yet, mate. Maybe we should go to the cops." he said, and I chewed on my lip while I played with the airplane necklace around my neck.

"M-maybe we should." I whispered and sighed. I grabbed my coat and keys. I got into my car and bit my lip.

"Where are you?" I whispered to myself and got an idea. I fumbled though my pocket and took out my phone.

"@Harry_Styles: If anyone has seen a boy wear this necklace before I NEED to know his name please? Might save his life x" I took a picture of the necklace and sent the tweet.

I started my car and drove to the nearest police station. I pushed open the doors and walked to a desk.

"Holy shit, your Harry Styles!" he said, and I smiled. He shook my hand. "H-how can I help you?"

"Look, do you have time to really hear this? I-I"

"Of course, sit down." and we did.

I sighed and nodded. "Earlier today I was walking out of a restaurant when this young boy, not that older than me, and handed me this necklace." I took the necklace out of my shirt. "He said that if he'd want anyone to have his favorite necklace after he leaves that he'd want me to be the one."

The police official starred at me. "What's the prob-"

"He's going to suicide!"

"You can't just assume that, Mr.Styles."

"Sir, no disrespect but it's pretty fuckin obvious." the word slipping out of my mouth. The official blinked.

"Please, c-can't you have like sketch artist t-"

"We need a name, Harry."


I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. The tweets!

"I-I send a tweet out!" I scrolled through my notifications and saw the same name showing up. "Louis! Louis Tomlinson! Doncaster, England!"

"You are in Doncaster, Harry."

"Well? Will you give me his address?"

"Information like that is prohibited, Harry. But we can go over and see if he's okay."

"Yes! Thank you!" I said, and someone called him.

"Let me just write down his address and then I'll go check him out." he reassured and I nodded. He wrote down the address on a sticky note and then left. I excused myself but not before taking a picture of the sticky note.

"Liam?" I said, and heard a mmm in response.

"Where is Harrington?" (idk if this is a street in england let alone doncaster okay)

" Well if your at the police station, mate. I'd say a good 5 minutes. Just go north from the station, why?"

"Thanks." I ended the called and drove north. I bit my lip and took a deep breathe. "I'm coming Louis."

* a/n: wow this came out as bad as i was afraid it would be. sorry for the shitty chapter! it'll get better i promise. *

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