xxxiii. make it right

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{ Shannon LaBrie - Calls Me Home }

                      I bit my lip as I waited for Louis to come back. I look behind the plant and sigh softly. I glanced down at the small black box on the table.

"Yeah, no." said someone, but I pushed it away. "No my friend Louis-"

"What?" I say loudly, and the guy meets my eyes. My eyes widened. He looked exactly like me, just a few years younger.

"Um, yes? Did you want something?" he said, and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Y-you said your friend Louis? Where is he?" I said, standing up. My mind jumping to different things.

"He's-he's in the bathroom do you know him?" he asked, but I was already running to bathroom.

"Louis?" I said, pushing everything in the way. I ran, even stumbling over my feet. "Baby?" I screamed, pushing the doors open.

Sitting in the bathroom corner was Louis. Curled up, his arms around his knees. I felt my knees give in at the sight. "Lou." I whispered, he met my eyes and broke down in sobs. He threw his arms around me, sobbing.

"I-I-I-I-" he stuttered but I reassure him. I hugged him tightly, kissing his cheeks.

"Shh, I'm here baby. I'm here." I whispered, holding his fragile body.

"I thought you left me." he whispered, and I chuckled.

"I'll never leave you, I love you to much." I said, and pulled away far enough to see his swollen eyes. "Okay? Never doubt my love for you,Louis."

He nodded frantically. "Okay, okay." he cried, and I used both my thumbs to wipe away his tears. "I love you."

"I love you too." I kiss his lips softly, then his eyes, then the tip of his nose. "C'mon." I helped him to his feet, and went to grab some paper towels.

"Thanks." he said, drying his eyes. I smiled at him fondly, and leaned against the sink. "Sorry you had to see this, I mean, I'm sorry I ruined this, I jus-"

"-Shh, stop." I interrupted. He met my gaze, and I went over to kiss his lips. He immediately melt into my touch, stepping closer to me. I wrapped my arms around his waist, and he wrapped his arms around my neck.

"I'm sorry." I whispered, and kissed his nose. "I'm sorry that I made you think I left."

"I shouldn't have assumed." he whispered, sniffling.

"Still. You shouldn't have to doubt that." I said, and picked him up. I set him on the sink counter, stepping between his legs.

"I'm sorry too." he said, and I frowned. "Harry, I fuckin left you. For Stan, and you still took me back! You either love me or your bloody insane."

I smirked, and kissed his jawline. "Why can't I be both?" I whispered, and he giggled.

"So cheeky." he said, pushing me back. I pout, looking up at him. He smiled, shaking his head. "Mm, just take me home."

"You want my album?" I teased, and he rolled his beautiful blue eyes. I smiled as I take in the sight. His big puffy eyes, that still manage to look beautiful. His eyes looking more blue then ever. His cute button nose red as a tomato.

"Are we going to go or you going to just stare?" he teased, and I smiled.

"Just taking in the sight."

"Ew, why? I probably look horrid." he blushed, hiding in my shoulder. I laughed, and kissed his neck.

"Nope, you look beautiful as always." I whispered, and hugged him tightly. I smiled, and he lifted his head from my shoulder. He met my eyes, looking directly into my eyes.

"I love you so much, Harry. You saved me." he said, and I smiled softly.

"And you saved mine, Louis Tomlinson." I said back, and he nodded.

"Can we go back to your flat?" he whispered, something else in his voice. I nodded, never breaking our gaze.

"Let me just call the lads." I said, and he nodded. I dialed Liam's number, and feel a tug at me shirt. I looked up to feel Louis smashing his lips against mine.

"Hello?" says Liam, but I just groan into the kiss. I feel as Louis tries to fight for dominance, his tongue brushing the back of my teeth. "Hello?" repeats Liam. I pull away, and hear a 'pop'.

"Y-yeah, wh-where are you?" I say, biting my lip as I watched Louis. He smiled innocently, his hair all over the place.

"Your place, you told me t-"

"Well get out." I snapped, and laughed softly. "Please."

"Why? Wait... are you and Louis going to-"

"BYE LIAM!" I say and hang up. I smiled at a blushing Louis.

"C'mon." I say, and he nods. He jumps off the sink, and I take his hand. As we walk out I see a mob of paparazzi. I bite my lip, and looked over at Louis. His eyes widened. I grip his hand. "I think there's a back exit."

I haul him over to the back door and try to find the car. I finally find it, and open his door for him.

"Ready to go back home?"

"Home?" he said, his eyes glowing.

"Our home, Lou." I say, and he smiles.

"Yes, please."

I suggest you really listen to the song at the beginning of the next chapter bc fuckin feels. & yes, there will be a mature content in the next chapter but I suck so don't judge!


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