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"Jennie-ah, wake up!!!" Jisoo said trying to wake up her deep sleeper friend, Jennie, and as usual she got no response. She sighed and left her no choice but to wake her up the way Jennie doesn't want.

She went to the bathroom inside their shared room, then filled the small cup with cold water then went back to Jennie. She breathed deeply, then splashed the water to Jennie's face that caused the sleeping girl to immediately rose from her bed, "Yaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!" she exclaimed, and turned her attention to the laughing girl beside her holding the cup.

"Unnie!!!!!!" she whined wiping the water off her face. Jisoo was still laughing at her, but stopped when she heard Jennie cursing, "Yah you shouldn't curse your unnie!" she playfully scold.

"Aish! Forget about you being the unnie when you did that," she grumpily replied, "I hate you, I'm still sleepy!" she was about to lie down again but Jisoo hurriedly stopped her by pulling her arms upward, "Yah sleepy girl! Don't sleep anymore, spring break is over, and we're going back to school today!" Jisoo said that made Jennie's eyes widen.

"Omona," Jennie exclaimed abruptly heading to the shower, "Tsss.. you forget didn't you?" Jisoo asked, "Unnie saranghae!!!!" Jennie shouted from the shower, making Jisoo chuckle, "aish, this dongsaeng," she said smiling then fixed Jennie's bed.

Jisoo went down to the kitchen and saw their other two roommies already in their school uniform and preparing for breakfast, "good morning lovies!" she sweetly greeted the two.

"Hello unnie! You look extra happy today, I see," Lisa said smiling and took a bite of her toast.

"Of course because she's going to see her dear Jinnie again," Rosé teased that made Jisoo blush.

"Yah, shut up, and just eat, we're going to be late," Jisoo told them obviously affected by the teasing that made the two girls giggle.

"Neh omma," they both answered and continued on eating, "But I'm curious though, when will you say yes to Jin?" Rosé seriously asked.

"Aish, you know I still have doubts," Jisoo answered, "But unnie, Jin oppa doesn't look like one who'll do the same thing as you-know-who did," Lisa said trying to lighten her.

"I know, but still..."

"Okay, I'm ready!! What do we have today?" Jennie cheerfully said as she approach her three friends in the kitchen.

Lisa stood up and get her milk from the fridge, "Thank you baby Lis!!! You're really kind unlike our unnie here," Jennie said still annoyed at what Jisoo did to her.

"Why? What did unnie do?" Lisa asked innocently.

"I splashed water on her face," Jisoo answered proudly that made Rosé laugh loudly, "Way to go unnie!!" Rosé said and gave Jisoo a thumbs up.

"You guys are so mean," Jennie said pouting cutely, "You could've just shout when you're waking me up."

"I did that a hundred times but you're not responding."


"Aish this unnie's really like a corpse when sleeping," the maknae commented that made Jisoo and Rosé laugh more, and Jennie to pout more.

After their breakfast, and everyone doing a final check of their things to bring, they got out of their dorm and started walking to school. They chose to walk instead of bringing Rosé's car for their dorm was just two blocks away from their school. They only use the car if they're going to hang out in some place far from their dorm.

They just got back from their spring break and they're now in their final year of senior high. They've been friends since middle school and decided to go on the same school when they reached senior high. After enrolling to this school, they discovered that they weren't placed in one class that they decided to stay in one dorm for their junior and senior high year.

"Lisaaa!!" someone shouted that made Lisa and the other three's heads to turn to the owner of the voice when got inside their school. Turning left, where the voice came from, they saw a waving guy with another guy behind him going to them.

"Hey Kookie," Lisa greeted when they got to them then she turned to the other boy behind him, "Oh, Jiminie~ Hello," Lisa said smiling, but in her mind it's gonna be awkward.

"Hello noonas," Jungkook greeted the three that smiled at him, "How was your spring break?"

"It was fine, and joyful! We went to Nami island!" Jisoo excitedly answered, "How about yours? Hey, Jimin, how have you been?" she asked kindly turning to Jimin who was looking at one of them longingly.

Jimin looked away at her for awhile to answer Jisoo, "I'm fine Jisoo-ah, I guess," he answered with a small smile then turned to his right, " Hi Rosé," he greeted.

Rosé was startled, but didn't even glance at him, "Hey girls, see you later at lunch, I'm heading to class first," she said then walked away not even waiting for their answer.

Jennie sighed then shouted at her walking figure, "Yah! We're classmates, why're you in a hurry??" she sighed again as her friend just continued on walking, she then turned back to Jimin.

"Jimin-ah, gwenchana?" she asked with concern as they stare at Jimin looking at Rosé sadly.

"Oh neh, let's go, class will start soon," he answered then smiled at them as they head to their classes.


Please tell me your thoughts, happy reading~ :)

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