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Weekend came, it was a Saturday morning, and the girls' house was busy already. Rose was in the kitchen cooking carbonara for their breakfast, it was a bit grand for a breakfast but she was just expecting for someone to come over today.

Lisa was taking a shower in the bathroom inside her and Rose's shared bedroom. Jisoo was doing the same in the bathroom inside her and Jennie's shared room. Then there's Jennie, taking all the time in the world for her sleep.

Rose was busy mixing all the ingredients for her dish when she heard loud footsteps coming from their stairs, coming its way to the kitchen. She turned around who it was and saw their maknae dressed in a white cropped top paired with black skinny jeans, a black jacket in her hand.

"You going somewhere?" Rose asked curiously as Lisa passed by the kitchen and went straight to their shoe rack, then picked up her timberlands and wore it.

"Neh unnie, date with Kookie," Lisa answered while fixing her shoes. Rose was about to say more when suddenly another footsteps came in their way and saw that it was Jisoo who was also dolled up for a date.

They saw Jisoo took her white double decker keds from their shoe rack pairing it with her ripped denim shorts and dark pink sweater, "You going too, unnie?" Rose also asked.

The elder lifted her head to look at her dongsaeng, "Yup! Date with Jinnie," she answered cheerfully.

"That's good to hear! Oh, I'll get that," Rose exclaimed then walked her way to their door when she heard their doorbell ring.

"Good morning honey!"

"Yo Rozey!"

Rose received a sweet and enthusiastic greeting once she opened the door and came face to face with her boyfriend, and her friend's boyfriend that was also her friend, "Hey guys," she greeted with a sweet smile and widened the door to welcome them in. She wasn't surprise that Jungkook was with Jimin for Lisa already told her that they were going on a date today.

Jungkook barged in while Jimin kissed her cheek first before completely entering inside. Rose giggled then closed the door and went inside as well.

"Good morning noona!" Jungkook greeted as he saw Jisoo who was putting on her shoes, Jisoo just smiled and waved at him, then he walked further inside their house to look for the very person he intended to see in the house.

He passed by the dining area then turned around to the stairs when he heard someone coming down from it, "Kookie!" he smiled when he saw that it was Lisa and she hugged him as a morning greeting.

"Good morning my Lalice," he said as he hugged her back and kissed the top of her head.

"Yo, noona," Jimin coolly called out to Jisoo when him and Rose arrived at the dining area and saw Jisoo arranging some plates for their breakfast.

"Hey Jiminie!" Jisoo greeted back happily and fist bumped with Jimin, then they both paused like gangsters after bumping their fists with each other, they cracked into laughter because of their silliness.

"Why is everyone so loud early in the morning?" they heard a sleepy voice asked, they turned to where the voice came from and saw a half asleep Jennie standing in front of the dining area.

They laughed at her face expression, judging by it their loud and happy greetings disturbed her sleep, "Good morning unnie!" Rose greeted cheerfully that Jennie returned with a pout and went straight to their fridge and took a carton of fresh milk.

"Why are you all dressed up? It's like so early in the morning!" Jennie asked curiously and at the same time complained as she finally recovered from her sleepy state when she had a sip of her milk, and noticed everyone around her were all dressed properly, and she's the only one in her sailor moon pajamas.

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