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"Taehyung-ah, don't you have anything else to say aside from everything's gonna be fine?" Jennie asked Taehyung as she lifted up her head from his shoulder. Taehyung dragged the both of them on their school's rooftop, and fortunately, no guards or teachers saw them heading there, they will be getting long hours of detention if they got unlucky.

Taehyung looked at Jennie when he finally heard her speak after all her crying. He can't think of other comforting words aside from that, for his mind was busy thinking of the reason why Jennie was crying that hard, "Well, do you prefer if I say 'sucks to be you right now Jen' while you're crying that hard?" he asked and chuckled as Jennie glared at him. He found it amusing for though she's in that state, she still managed to be the meanie Jendeukie he likes.

Jennie pouted at his response, "Ani... If I was paying more attention to you I would've counted the times you said that," she answered making Taehyung laugh a little and pinched her cheek.

"Yah, are you alright now? Because you're acting cute already," He asked teasingly. Jennie sighed then leaned her head back on his shoulder that surprised Taehyung making his heart pound crazily. Why is this making me nervous? Taehyung thought to himself as silence engulfed them once again.

They just sat there looking at the sky, while being close to each other not minding the sound of the bell that signals the start of their classes, Taehyung intended to bring Jennie to class but changed his mind when he saw her still in a gloomy expression, he stared at her face but looked away immediately when Jennie suddenly spoke that warmed his heart, "Thank you... For always being there," he heard her say while still leaning on him, he may not see her eyes right now but he knows that Jennie's full of sincerity when it comes to thanking people.

He put his arm around Jennie's shoulder and rubbed her arm in a comforting way, "I'm always here though I don't know why it's always me whenever you're like that, don't you think it's destiny?" He asked playfully that made Jennie pull away from him abruptly then saw him with a playful smile.

"Destiny? Are you dreaming right now, Kim Taehyung?" Jennie asked folding her arms to her front then rolled her eyes from him. Ouch. He just chuckled and put back his arm on her shoulder, pulling her closer to him, "Nah, just kidding. Just trying to cheer you up," he said smiling, and Jennie just smiled back. They looked at each other smiling for a while when Jennie decided to break it and looked at the other direction, she felt awkward for Taehyung and her were not normally this close. Awkward.

Taehyung noticed the awkwardness and cleared his throat, trying to start a conversation again, "Would you mind telling me what happened?" he asked curiously but he was more concerned for her. Jennie sighed and looked at the ground, "Well, I just knew that I was the main reason for our friends' break up," she answered with a very sad tone.

Taehyung crunched his forhead in confusion, "Friends? Break up?" he asked curiously.

"Neh, Jimin and Rosé. Seulgi told me that, she did that to Jimin because of me. She said that if she hurt my friends, then I'll be more hurt especially if I knew that it was because of me," Jennie explained but it still left Taehyung confused.

"But, why would it be because of you?" he asked again with a more confused look.

Jennie sighed for the nth time before talking, "Well, there's this guy Goo Junhoe. He was courting me for about 3 months now," she revealed making Taehyung's eyes widen.

"I know, I know. None of you knew about it. I didn't tell anyone, for I wasn't ready yet," she further explained when she saw his widened eyes, Taehyung just nodded and waited for her to continue, "Well, I kind of agreed with the courting so easily, for it's my first time. And I was amused for he was the first guy to ask me out, for in the past, guys doesn't have the courage to ask me because people said that I have a resting bitch face, and it was scary," Jennie continued making Taehyung frown. Why would someone be afraid of that beautiful face?

"Then, what happened next?"

Jennie sighed again for what she was about to say was what hurt her the most, "Earlier in the lockers, I heard him and Seulgi talking. Turns out that they are in a relationship while he was courting me. That triggered Seulgi, for she didn't know that the courting was just for a bet," she said bitterly and trying her best to hold back her tears.

"What?! Bet?! Meaning that Junhoe guy played you?!" Taehyung exclaimed, his temper rising hearing Jennie's story.

Jennie just nodded trying to just shrug everything away, "Well, obviously," she sighed, "But what hurt me the most was why does she have to involve our friends? I mean, she could've just slapped me or pull my hair or invite me to a cat fight or-"


Jennie was left speechless at Taehyung's sudden outburst that her mouth was left slightly open while looking at Taehyung with wide eyes. Taehyung realized what he did that he sighed heavily and composed himself cooly, he turned back again to Jennie then held her chin closing her mouth that snapped Jennie back to reality.

"Yah," she said shooing his hand away, "Why are you so mad??"

Taehyung coughed slightly before speaking and turned his gaze away from hers, "A-ani, it's just that-that," he stuttered that made Jennie confused. He's really weird sometimes.

Aish, Kim Taehyung, how could you lose your cool? I know you care for her but, don't you think that was too much? Aish. He thought to himself as he looked at the confused Jennie waiting for his answer. He sighed then answered her, "Just don't blame yourself ever again. It was clear that it isn't your fault. That couple is stupid. Arasseo?!" he remarked then looked away from her. Aish, awkward.

"O-kay... I wasn't expecting something like that from you," Jennie answered honestly.

"Yah, I can be serious at times, alright?"

"Okay, if you say so."

"What do you plan to do now then? Are you gonna tell Rosé about it?" Taehyung immediately asked avoiding to have an awkward silence again.

"Of course, it's the only way for her and Jimin to be together again, they obviously still love each other," Jennie answered but deep inside of her, she wasn't sure about her decision for there was a possibility that Rosé would be mad at her, but still she's gonna take the risk.

"That, I agree. Anyway, don't you think it's time for us to be in class?" He asked then stood up expecting for Jennie to follow him but instead she asked him something.

"I'm not in the mood for school... Can you go with me somewhere else instead?" she asked him with her puppy eyes hoping it will convince Taehyung.

He looked at her and wanted to pinch her cheeks badly because of her cuteness but he wanted act tough first, "Please, Taehyungie?" Jennie asked cutely that made Taehyung's heart pound again madly.

Aish, how could I resist that??!! She even called me Taehyungie!!! Aish, this girl, chincha!!!!!

"Alright, where to? You look like a dog there," he said bluntly acting as if he wasn't affected. Jennie quickly stood up from her seat smiling then grabbed Taehyung's arm then dragged them downstairs. Taehyung looked at her and let her pull him anywhere she likes. Aish, kyeopta.



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