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Although Lisa slept very late last night, she still managed to wake up early in the morning with that familiar smile on her face. It has been a long time since that genuine and sincere smile drew on her lovely lips. She missed it, she missed her old self. That she was very thankful when she finally had the feeling of smiling and being happy again.

She quickly got up from her bed and headed straightly to her bathroom, humming a random happy tune as she went under her shower and took a bath. After about twenty minutes of happily indulging herself into the nice water, she went to her closet and picked an outfit. She decided on a simple black shirt tucked in her black shorts and paired with her denim jacket.

Then she went to her mirror to put on light make–up and fix her hair smiling contently at herself when she was done. She then grabbed her carry–on luggage and started packing all the stuff she needed with her for her flight back to Korea was scheduled later.

When she heard Jennie said that she should come back quickly because their Jisoo unnie needed them, she hurriedly went to her laptop and booked her flight back to Korea that was scheduled tonight. Though Jennie hadn't been specific to the reason why Jisoo needed them, she still had the urgency to come back. She sensed something was wrong judging by Jennie's sobbing through the phone, knowing her she wouldn't easily cry over things unless it was deeply hurting her.

After that, she lied down on her bed but couldn't find the sleepiness because of the curiosity she was feeling after the phone call that she texted Rose what was wrong. But Rose only told her that Jisoo was rushed in the hospital, she asked why but Rose didn't reply back anymore.

That she just decided to force herself to sleep. She'll be with them again in a just a matter of hours anyway. She went back on packing her stuff and just waited what would possibly happen later.

The smile on her face wouldn't fade even though she was busy figuring out the things she would pack and bring with her. Regarding the last night's event, she thought it would be the end of her happy and colorful life but turned out, she was wrong...

"Ten, your fiancé," her father introduced to her the younger man in front of her. She stared at him in awe as the said male just looked back at her with a blank expression on his face. It clearly said that the man wasn't interested in her at all.

Lisa scoffed inwardly as she just felt the same way towards him, she wasn't interested at him too, she was just forced to be here and be tied with him. But remembering the words of her father before they entered the room, she forced out a small smile and held out her hand in front of him, asking for a handshake.

"Lisa," she simply said while giving her hand out that made the guy's father to smile wider in anticipation, obviously excited about the interaction between the both of them.

When he saw his son just staring blankly at the lady, he nudged him secretly and whispered, "Hey, be nice," he told him making the young man roll his eyes from him much to Lisa's annoyance.

Ten gave out a sigh and turned back to Lisa then shook her hand lightly, "Ten," he said with his baritone voice, not even a slightest shade of joy in meeting a beautiful lady was evident in his tone. Lisa retracted her hand even before he could as she really disliked the feeling of it.

She glanced at her father secretly and saw that her father was seriously staring at the said man who was her fiancé, like he was judging him and scrutinizing him. That cold familiar expression on her father's face was back that oddly made her comfortable somehow despite the situation. She looked away from him and just shrugged, she was feeling weird.

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